
The central country. After the devastation caused by the mine explosion, this is the most powerful country. They are one of knowledge with great libraries carved into the mountains. They have the most varied geography with desert/tundra to the north, a bisecting mountain range, and temperate forests to the south. The culture is a mix of Chinese/Greek/Egyptian.   Gnosi is Egyptian based on the Library of Alexandria and sphinxes


The population is greatly varied, though the original populations were: oreads, gnomes, elves, catfolk, shoony, and vanara. Growing around one another only snowballed their inquisitive natures leading to a populous addicted to knowing and understanding the world.


There is a traveling festival, Chronival, that moves to each library to celebrate one week of the month celebrating the appropriate god. There is a teleportation device designed to bring them back to the north for the start of a new year where people gather to see similar to our New Year ball drop.


South of the mountains, there are temperate forests, hilly grasslands, and the like. Most of the population not connected to the libraries live here. Nearly everyone speaks common and are open to outsiders.   To the north, the icy tundra keeps away most settlers. There are nomadic tribes that are left to their own devices. Most still speak common as new Gnosi librarians find their unique and varied cultures a great training ground to hone their skills.


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