Steel Brigade

Most merchants find mercenaries in the towns they visit to protect their caravans. While this is cheaper than keeping someone on the payroll permanently, it also puts the merchants at risk of a particularly savvy bandit crew beating their payroll. The more successful merchants will have permanent guards, but they often still need to supplement with mercenaries from time to time. Then, there is the Guilded Iron.   This massive merchant guild, supported by the largest supply of vitraxine in the world, has used their riches and power to build the Steel Brigade. Major trade routes will have multiple barracks for the Steel Brigade, and at least a half dozen are always available for hire at any location. Membership must be verified which is why each representative carries an ornately carved dark iron chip that resembles the gold coins of Taisunia about their person. The cost of hiring these guards is much lower than a mercenary as they receive a stipend from the guild when they are in the barracks awaiting hiring as well. Their combat training is more rigorous than traditional personal guards who often have little knowledge in complex swordplay or tactical combat. This training is also covered by the guild.   Finally, to betray a caravan as a member of the Steel Brigade would be seen as betraying the entire guild. The guard is immediately barred from ever working for the guild or trading with their merchants again. Bulletins with their face are plastered throughout the region to sully any chance of them being hired outside as well. Rumors abound that the Guilded Iron have assassins on employ to help claim back a part of what was stolen (or at least clear the stain on their reputation) though this has never been verified.



The Steel Brigade has roughly 10,000 personal guards in their employ across the continent.


Brigaditos, the name used to describe those in their second or third year of training, must have at least one formal Steel Brigade member of the same focus when they are hired. When not employed, they are expected to act as sparring partners for each other and promising Steel initiates. Brigidiers will answer to the hiring merchant who will choose the leader amongst their guard; this may or may not be a brigidier depending on the merchant's permanent guard regiment.


A Steel initiate is trained in the skills of archery, swordsmanship, and vitraxine wizardry. For the first year, they are focused fully on training. If deemed skilled enough, the are promoted to brigadito at the start of their second year. Otherwise, they are sent home. Brigaditos can be hired at a reduced rate and must furnish their own weapons and materials. The guard can choose to be treated as an archer, swordsman, or a wizard when being listed for trialed employ but must have proof of preparedness for any they choose to be listed under. They also must use the focus the hiring merchant has selected them for as many merchants have a particular party structure in mind. At the end of the second year, their hiring merchants and mentoring brigidiers are surveyed. A brigadito must have high marks in at least two skills to be given the title Brigidier and are told their primary focus in in the Steel Brigade based on the feedback. If one only has a single skill with high marks, they are allowed one more year. If a brigadito has no skills with high enough marks, they are removed from the brigade immediately.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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Aug 12, 2024 18:16 by Marjorie Ariel

Sounds like a very good reason to join the Guilded Iron if one can.