Arcadian Imperium

Foreign Relations

Iron Helms: Humans and dwarves have always gotten along, and due to their proximity, the Arcadians and Dwarves of the Iron Helms have become close allies. The two nations have an extensive trade relationship, and their economies have become interdependent on each other.   Achaean Alliance:
Political, Confederation
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Arcadians utilize the same coin based economy most of the rest of the world recognizes.
Legislative Body
Laws are written and proposed in the body known as the Parliament of the People. This body is made up of 12 elected officials that represent the four areas of Arcadian land. Civilians have the legal right to petition to either create or abolish laws, giving them a direct say in the structure of the government.
Executive Body
The King of Arcadia is the interpreter, approver, and enforcer of proposed law. Proposed laws move from the Parliament of the People to the King, who has authority to enact and interpret the meaning of the law. Enforcement of the laws is maintained by city guards under the employ of the Arcadian military, who answer to the will of the king.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Non-Aggression Pact; Trade Agreement; Open Borders

Trade Agreement; Mercenary Contracts

Articles under Arcadian Imperium