Exile of Dragons from Achaea

Political event


Distrust of dragons grew to high levels in Achaean territories from the participation of dragons in the great war. Many people lost love ones, land, animals, and their livelihoods from the destruction wrought by dragons, and many did not distinguish the difference between metallic and chromatic dragons. Incidents involving metallic dragons who would eat a farmer's animal or trample crop fields became more common as the number of young and inexperienced dragons began to increase due to dragon repopulation efforts. Responding to the demands of the people, King Xyphar of Achaea enacted a ban on dragons in Achaean territories, and threatened violent removal of dragons who refused to leave. Not wanting to hurt the humanoids they had worked to protect, the dragons retreated from Achaean lands or hid themselves well, utilizing their ability to shapeshift to integrate into human settlements. Many fled to the west and north, where the less populated lands would be better suited to raising young.

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