
Perhaps the archetypal figures of the west, Lawmen include town marshals, county sheriffs, American Indian agents and reservation police, Texas Rangers, federal marshals, and even those employed by private detective agencies, such as the Pinkertons. Bounty hunters might also fall into this category. Examples include such real-life figures as Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Bill Hickok, and Alan Pinkerton (who founded his own detective agency in 1850 and went on to organize the U.S. Secret Service). Many of these individuals have been portrayed in film and TV, along with fictional lawmen such as Gunsmoke’s Matt Dillon, High Noon’s Will Kane, Robert B. Parker’s Cole and Hitch (Appaloosa, et al.), and a host of others.

Occupation Skill points

EDU × 2 + (STR × 2 or DEX × 2)

Credit Rating



Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (Any), Law, one interpersonal skill (Intimidate, or Persuade), Psychology, Ride, Spot Hidden, Track


Limited Sanity loss immunity (loses minimum possible for seeing blood and gore, or only half in the most extreme cases)

Ocupations and Characteristics