
Government in the Old West was much more localized than in the modern day, or even the 1920s. Political power was as often held by large landowners and businesspeople as elected officials, and even in the latter case it was usually the former who pulled the strings. One way or another, political office often ensured some degree of power and wealth.

This occupation covers everything from a simple town-council member to the town mayor, on up through Senators and territorial governors. As with the Outlaw occupation, the Keeper can infer the politician’s office, level of influence, and power according to their Credit Rating.

Western films are filled with examples of town mayors (whether crooked, cowardly, or honorable). There is a great deal of wrangling among various political and legal officials in the film The Jack Bull. One notable real-life Old West politician was New Mexico’s governor Lew Wallace who, in addition to dealing with Billy the Kid’s amnesty, wrote the novel Ben-Hur.

Occupation Skill points

EDU × 2 + (APP × 2 or INT × 2)

Credit Rating



History, Law, Listen, Psychology, Charm, Persuade, any two other skills as personal or era specialties

Ocupations and Characteristics