Callisto, Leader of The Morlocks

Callisto leads a group of misfits and societal outcasts known as The Morlocks. The group lives in abandoned catacombs and cave systems below Port Elesby.   Callisto was formerlly involved with the Collymore Mining Operation that was employed by Renard Vespertine. The operation was charged with mining the mineral, Arkonite, and pushed to the point until there was a cave-in that apparently pierced the veil that separated Castia with another world. This event is often refered to as The Spill or The Shift (S2).   Callisto has revealed to Al Vale that she personally witnessed The Shift that took place in the Collymore mind and showed her an artifact that entered Castia from the "other world" and referred to having possession of more these other world items as well (S3).   Aislin Mac Gearailt asks Callisto if she might join The Morlocks, should she never return to her home. Callisto has left the door open to that possibility (S3).

Leader of The Morlocks. Middle -aged, female dwarf.

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