Cathedris Themesong




In terrible sorrow Codod mindlessly slams her hammer into the ground, desperate to spark forth fire that once warmed her heart and land. What's left behind is instead great impact sites that become places of pilgrimage for devout followers. They're such a strong symbol of belief that their shape is often inscribed on jewlery and other trinkets.
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Divine Impacts

  Boulders the size of horses crash through the air as shrapnel, and a fine stone rain begins to cascade down upon the shattered ground. Where there might have been volcanic fire and heat from below, instead there's only heavy dust and cold smoke that billows out from the impact site -- a Hammermark. Codod's gargantuan hammer leaves terrible empty craters behind, symbols of her loss. The circular patterns smashed into Degrunda's volcanic stone become metaphors for the missing parts of life, the empty hole inside all of us that we're constantly seeking to fill -- whether it's love, purpose, or simply the quest to feel whole.
  Hammermarks are generally around 75-100m wide, with a near perfectly circular inner circumferance that's ringed by an irregular smash pattern outside. The bottom of the crater is essentially flat, and the ridges around the sides are sloped enough that getting in or out of it can be a challenge -- which the thousands of yearly pilgrims don't seem to mind. Month after month, people migrate from the safety of civilization to trek out to Codod's hammering grounds in order to visit a Hammermark. The journey represents the lengths they're willing to go in order to fill that hole inside, and visiting such a holy site left behind by their God-husk is done in the hopes for fate or divine intervention to grant them that which they are missing.
  The sentiment has gained such popularity that Hammermarks have become quite normal symbology on jewlery and clothing as well. It's common to see people wearing rings or pendants with the symbol on them in most cities within Degrunda; which, as such things usually go, can mean a few different things. When a pendant with a Hammermark is worn, it's a more general sentiment of "searching" for the wearer -- it just means that they're searching for meaning, for purpose. It's often not meant as an incredibly serious sentiment, just that they are still on their journey of self discovery. When worn as a ring, it has another two seperate meanings; on the left hand, it means the wearer is searching for love. When worn on the right hand, it means the wearer has suffered great loss, and that the hole left behind will forever be a part of them.

Cover image: by Iker Urteaga


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Aug 3, 2024 10:50 by CoolG

Love the symbolism ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 3, 2024 11:12 by Stormbril
Aug 3, 2024 13:14 by Morgan Biscup

Poor Codod. :'(

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Aug 20, 2024 00:22 by Stormbril

She's just looking for that fire again :(

Aug 5, 2024 07:05 by Grey

This is a really creative way to address the prompt, the symbolism is great!

Aug 20, 2024 00:22 by Stormbril
Aug 5, 2024 22:54

Really love this idea of making what's essentially a hole into such symbolism, love the imagery that comes with it too.   I can also see the idea that should someone find their meaning, love, etc., perhaps they fill in the hammermark with something worthwhile? Like a symbolic filling of that hole of theirs, a completion of their search.   Wonder if the followers also see the size and depth of these marks as anything special as well, like a hammermark on someone's pendant that is really deep as someone who really is missing something in their life they really want to find, or a light dent being just them searching for something more.   Either way, lovely article!

Aug 20, 2024 00:25 by Stormbril

Ooooo excellent musings! I really love the idea of eventually filling the hole of your hammermark with something, perhaps inlaid with silver or gold or something like that, depending on which item the mark was on.   Thanks for the comment!

Aug 8, 2024 17:40 by Rin Garnett

The feeling of absence is very relatable, and it makes sense that some people have accepted that such a feeling can be resolved. The jewelry is a great way to show the losses that can connect us.   I loved this article so much I included it in my Reading Challenge for this year

Aug 20, 2024 00:25 by Stormbril

Sometimes it's just a part of life, right?   And also ohhh thank you! I'm so glad :D

Aug 13, 2024 21:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so sad, it hurts my heart ;-;

Aug 20, 2024 00:27 by Stormbril

This is one of those articles that just kinda wrote itself after I started it, cause it feels like a truth of life to me kinda thing

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