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Book 1, Chapter XI: The Journey to Abslyn Report

General Summary

The Falling Stars continued towards Abslyn as they came upon the "Risen Coast," in which they had to wade through a section of ocean water.   After this, the party encountered a small group of "Kapoacinth," which they quickly dealt with.   Almost to their destination, the party encountered a family of Canus who were newly Transferred into Cavas, and helped them to get to Breezeten.   The party arrived at and quickly left Breezeten.   On the way to Abslyn, the party met with Penelope O'doran, a dark elf reporter from the Gold Vein News Guild. She was trying to learn about the same mission that the party is on, and she decided to join them going to Abslyn.   The party found Adressa Seeker unconscious and helped her, learning that her group, the Frosted Squires, was kidnapped by ambushers. The party gave pursuit and found demons sponsored by Countess Ifiera, as well as the Countess herself. She told the party things about themselves, invited them to her gala, blew up a cave entrance, and teleported away, leaving the party to deal with a group of Arson Demons. The party defeated them, and saved the Frosted Squires.   Heading into Abslyn, the party got dinner at a nice steakhouse, were recommended to The Silver Threads for formal clothing, and spent the night at the Lantern Light. Before spending the night, the party met Glory Linsberg, the leading knight and bodyguard of the Countess. They told the party of her weakness to cold-iron, and seemed to gain the party's respect.   Tabby spoke with Charlotte Deephammer about the Frosted Squires' mission to The Federation of Prista and seemed to have an unnatural interest in it, before spending the night with Charlotte.
The Falling Stars
Level .
Mildew Dusk
Iron Wall
Tabitha Silverleaf
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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