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The Federation of Prista

The Federation of Prista is a very forested nation, similar in aesthetic to the city from Bloodborne. The Federation is an old country, that was once a part of Weladred. Additionally, it was once of the first countries added to Cavas. The countries long history supplies for many long standing families, and with those families comes old money. While the theoretic state of this nation was abolished long ago, the stains of the noble and royal classes now bleed into the upper aristocracy, and the lower class drifts further and further away.


The rich are often known for being self-absorbed, classist, and naïve to the outside world, as well as being artistic and dramatic. The poor are often known for being oppressed, hard-working, and loyal to their own, while all of them are a touch xenophobic. Both of classes despise being told of their plights, with the rich hating having their intelligence questioned, and the poor unable to accept that they have problems of their own. When in Prista, "Blesses!" is a common greeting/goodbye, and a holdover before the separation of church and state in the government of the country. It used to have a more puritan religious culture long in the past, but no longer.


Prista operations as a Democratic Republic, allowing the average citizen to vote in the delegate of their choice to represent them in the Federational Court. Many politicians serve till they can't anymore, but then have family friends, or close associates, run for them, paying them off to essentially continue their ruling. Cities and towns are given members in the court equal to their population, with delegates equaling 1 for every 100,000 citizens. Towns with less than 100,000 are given 1 delegate, however say on matters may be taken lighter than those from the larger cities. These delegates are often referred to a "pity delegates".


Prista does have a fairly strong standing army, however, Prista does not have a powerful naval force, but is also difficult to attack or even enter via the sea.

Industry & Trade

Prista is known for their lumber, as well as their fresh water, which they have a strong monopoly over in Cavas.


Prista is nothing special in terms of their magic, simply using the advancements of other countries to fuel their own. However, many of the advancements made to make the average citizens life better, are kept to the aristocracy, or at least to those who can afford it. However, Prista does have an advancement in technology that most countries have yet to take. Prista has began the investment of steam generated electricity, allowing for basic electric appliances, such as lamps.


At one time before the Great Transfer, Prista was a joint nation with the Crown's Empire. Because of this, they have a similar landscape, architectural aesthetic, and fashion sense. Both have a drive more towards technology, but where Prista works to make their nation a better place for the elite, the Crown's Empire strives to conquer.


Prista is known for having a very gothic architecture, with open spaces, and overlaid tracery. There is jokes across Cavas that the Pristians put their building designs on their dresses.


Prista's landscape is mostly darker forests, with some light passing through the tall old trees. The countryside is also covered in hills, and some larger cliff or mountainous areas. However, similar to it's neighbor Terral, is surrounded by bluffs on all waterfronts.


Prista is a moderately cool place, however it does snow in the winter, and there are heat waves in the summer. It tends to get quite rainy as well.

Natural Resources

Prista holds two of the larger lakes of Cavas, Lake Vosti and Lake Jero. The government of Prista is very protective over these bodies of water, and has successfully monetized it, against their own people, as well as the rest of the continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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