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The Initian Guild Union

Guild Union Ranks

Each guild has a ranking corresponding to the highest ranked member. So if a guild has mostly silver members, but has even one gold member, the guild is considered a “Gold ranked guild”, and can take or receive gold rank missions. If that gold member ranks up, the guild becomes a “Steel ranked guild” and can take missions of steel rank.
There is only one way to rank up. Work. If a lower ranked individual, party, or guild, take on a mission of a rank higher than they are, and they complete that quest to the satisfaction of the poster and the Union, they rank up automatically to that level. However, the Union often blocks these attempts, especially at higher ranks. At lower ranks, the Union is more lenient. This can be worked around if a guild, individual, or party complete enough quests of their own rank. After completing a certain number of quests, with satisfying results, they are given a chance to take on a quest above their rank.
  Missions are posted daily by the Couriers of the Union at the Union Headquarters. Guilds of Gold rank or higher have Couriers come to them.
  Each ranking has a certain reputation, and some even have nickname that have been assigned to them.


The lowest ranked. They were once referred to “lovingly”, as “Shatters,” as Glass guilds are known to fall apart easily, but that name quickly became, “Shitters” or “Sharters,” as a way to taunt the low-rankers.


The second lowest rank. They are considered to be where a guild become serious, but not yet respected. Many gold ranks or higher consider copper to be the first real rank, with glass simply being a, “chump check.” Coppers are often called, “Poppers,” derogatorily, as they often still POP easily (they are easy to kill, or often just leave the line of work entirely).


The third lowest rank. This is when being in a guild is considered a real job. There’s a level of respect for being iron-ranked, like a, “You made it through hell.” However, Iron-ranked member and guilds often consider themselves better than they are, and talk down to others around them, regardless of their ranks. The majority of guilds are iron-ranked.


The fourth lowest rank. Silver has a lot of the same issues as iron, but noticeably worse. The general silver populace is still quite toxic, however they consider themselves to be better than anyone around them in ranks. Silver-ranked members often look up to specific platinum+ “role-models” and take their word as gospel.


The middle rank. Gold is where true respect begins. The Union recognizes gold guilds are their own entity, and delivers quests that match their profile to them each morning. Gold members also tend to know where they stand, the middle of the food chain, and as such see themselves as the “protectors” of it. Gold guilds will often hoard Iron to Silver ranked quests to prevent lower ranked guilds from climbing.


The fifth highest rank. Steel guilds are known to be resilient, often taking on year or decade long projects in-order to attempt to rank up. Steel ranked guilds are often focused on improving, and are just beginning to grasp the bottoms of the true, “big-leagues.” Steel ranks usually experience some kind of “death of ego,” before or soon after ranking up, which leads them to just wanting to improve.


The fourth highest rank. Platinum guilds are considered to be nation class. Governments often directly contact platinum guilds to do important missions for them, armies hire them to train their soldiers, monarch’s commission them to paint their portrait. Platinum ranks typically relish in this, and don’t pay much mind to anyone below steel ranked.


The third highest rank. Mithral quests are the typical limit for non-adventuring or mercenary guilds. These quests typically deal in the difference between peace and war, in moving a dangerous item, or preventing the destruction of a country. Mithral quests are rare, but are posted from time to time.


The second highest rank. Adamantine ranked quests typically spell the end of the world, and as such very few people ever reach this rank. These quests are typically reserved for adventuring or mercenary parties, however several courtier missions have been posted with the Adamantine rank.


The highest rank. Dragonscale is more of a formality, as very few people have reached it in hundreds of years. Dragonscale missions can bring about the end of the universe, if left unchecked. Dragonscale quests are typically reserved for adventuring or mercenary guilds, as no such quest has ever been posted. The few people who have reached Dragonscale have done so through leveled rank up.
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