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O'Rieno (O Ree An O)

"O'Rieno was born of a dream and a wish. The country is mutable, what it stands for has not changed. I often find myself there."   - Baba Yaga   O'Rieno is a kingdom devoted to magic and enchantment. Located in the center of the continent of Midgard, it is inaccessible by any road or highway from other nations. Oftentimes people will find themselves in O'Rieno, but on other occassions people will move through the land without a second thought, covering a distance of hundreds of miles in an instant. The nature of O'Rieno from the outside looking in is a mystery that has baffled scholars for generations. From the inside however a different viewpoint is seen, a kingdom founded on a dream and a wish.   Some centuries ago, the soon to be King of O'Rieno, a man named Wellerman, a gambler and an adventurer discovered an object unlike any other. A deck of cards, filled with many strange symbols unlike any others on Celasper. The deck of many things. Wellerman the Gambler decided to draw three cards from the deck, and drew The Jester, The Key, and The Knight. The Jester taunted him and he drew two more cards: The Moon and The Throne.   Wellerman had defied the odds of luck and drawn perhaps the four best cards in the deck. Looking up at the moonlit sky, Wellerman wanted to protect his new kingdom from any outside threat and make it a haven for all peoples. The moon heard his request, and his wish was granted.   King Wellerman found the land O'Rieno infested with strange monsters, magics, and ancient eidolons of an age long past. Luckily he was not alone, a brave knight by the name of Boudica had sprung forth from the deck of many things cladded in armor and weaponry. Together the two secured the castle and founded the kingdom. In time they fell in love, and the noble line of O'Rieno was born.   Since then rulers have come and gone, folks have settled in O'Rieno and magical creatures have lived and thrived in the kingdom. The principles of tolerance, love, and discovery that founded O'Rieno have not wavered, making it an ideal nation to live in to this day.


Rulership     O'Rieno is a traditional monarchy ruled by a benevolent monarch. The nation has been graced by kind rulers over it's history. The nation is aided by a council of representatives, charged with advising the monarch, but their advice can only be made law by a unanimous decision. It is otherwise the ruler's prerogative to discern and decide based on the council's input.   The Council of Representatives includes:
  • The Faerie Elder
  • The Magical World's Speaker
  • The Sorcerer Supreme
  • The Cosmos Oracle
  • The First Builder
  • The First Sailor
  • The First Entrepreneur
  • The People's Speaker
  • The Pathfinder Lodgemaster
Each of the towns and cities in O'Rieno is typically run by a village elder or Mayor. Each of the mayors answers directly to the Monarch of O'Rieno. Individual businesses are run by town charter, but individual guilds are commonplace to align for the standardization of practices, and to coordinate who their council's representative will be.   Organizations Within O'Rieno   The best way to understand O'Rieno is to look closely at the representatives who make up the council of nine, the guilds or ethnicities they encompass, and their current leader.   Ace: Haggis McDougal, the First Builder (He/Him): Haggis is a dwarf explorer and master craftsman. Constantly on the lookout for new materials to use in his weapons and machinery, he oftentimes shirks his duties to head off into the mountains and lakes near O'Rieno. Haggis has a dream of one day discovering the lost dwarven city he believes may have once been in O'Rieno before the magic began. As First Builder, he speaks for all craftsman and construction workers of O'Rieno to make sure that the needs of those who create are heard by the council. Haggis is energetic, curious, and has a keen eye for "fine dwarven craftsmanship" or "classic dwarven maneuvers".   Two: Darling the Unicorn, Magical World's Speaker (She/Her): Darling is a Unicorn from the great stampede in the second Steppe grasslands of O'Rieno. Darling speaks in a southern drawl, relaxed and kind. She speaks not just for the unicorns, but for the other magical creatures who are peaceful in O'Rieno as well. This includes Harpies, Manticores, Pegasus, Gargoyles, Elementals, and many other types of creatures. For this reason Darling and her fellow unicorns are constantly on the move, charging through the mutable landscape of O'Rieno to visit with as many magical creatures as possible to check on them, make friendship, and see if there is anything they need. Darling dreams of an easier and quicker way for her to traverse the land so she would have more time to prance in the unicorn's grasslands. Her daughter sparkles however has different dreams. Sparkles is a rebellious youth, and often sneaks into human society to pretend to be one, much to her parent's annoyance.   Three: Lemon Honey, The Faerie Elder (She/They): Lemon Honey is not the true name of the Fae Elder, but one adopted for human speech. The Gold Green faerie is a reincarnation of the first winter knight, exiled with the dissolution of the court of the Queen of Air and Darkness. The original fay court was exiled to earth from the Queen's actions against Pharasma, and for a time languished in the realm of shadow O"Rieno once found itself in. With the liberation of O'Rieno by the original wish of the deck of Many Things, the court shifted from Winter to Summer, but many mischievous tendencies linger. Lemon Honey dreams of many of their fey siblings, lost and hidden in the shadow places in the corners of O'Rieno. In court Honey Lemon is "fond of a bit of mischief" and often switches sides or stirs the pot on issues that don't directly affect them. They are curious, easily distracted, and always a fan of starting up funny trouble. She speaks with a high pitched voice like a feminine cat-rat.  
Map of the World
The Name of the World: The name of the world has been called, Earth, Terra, The Cage, or Celasper, depending on who’s asking. From a cosmological level, the earliest reference for a name of the planet itself comes from the celestial Upra, referring to the earth in relation to a planar battle against the forces of chaos. It is this name that is used within the chronicles of Dis for the usage of planar mapping, which in turn spread to the most of the outer planes for the use of their own dealings and negotiations. While the name of “Earth” is still commonplace, the name Celasper, translating to “the cage is hope”, or sometimes “hope lies with the cage”, is used in official documentation. For people on the material plane however, this name is not commonly used or even known about except to those in certain magical or divine circles. For the bulk of the population on a day to day basis, the common form “Earth” is typically used, or even more commonly, the name of their country or continent.   The Northern Continent: The northern continent has gone through by far the most names, reflecting it’s divided culture. The earliest reference comes from the ancient kingdoms of Thassilon, who called the lands they knew of to the east “Jamen-Dor” for reasons that have been since lost to history. The Elves through the fall into the Fey Wilde called the land “Oth”, an ugly name reflecting their dismay for the “other side of the gate”. The dwarves of Kaz-Irune, perhaps the oldest still surviving city state from that ancient era called the land Midgard, though most modern scholars dismiss this as a name for the continent, stating it instead applies to the area around the Jarldoms of Karlsguard. In the times when dragons were prevalent to the central lands around modern day Tharam Fal called the land “Thacazil di Sthyri”, meaning “land of men”. The nation of Bengion, which at one point ruled much of the northern continent, called it “Quaesilum” meaning “conquered lands”, though for obvious reasons this name has fallen out of practice in the last several centuries. It was not until the Alban Trader Zaren Pirotta completed his mapping of the coastline that the actual size of the continent was truly known. Calling it Artalnaas, meaning “land of cities and people”, he used the name when planning some of the early great Alban trade routes to establish Alba as a trading power and ensure the spread of the “common” tongue. It is this name used by the Alban trading guilds and the name that has entered into the common vernacular.   The Southwestern Continent: Name of the southern most is typically given for the great “beast of the land” who once called the place dominion “Weyr”, meaning simply “the titan” in the tongues of old Keld, who in turn got the translation supposedly from even earlier empires. Naturally attempts to locate the titan have been made, without too much success, leading some to question the validity of the name in the modern day.   The Central Continent: Typically given the name Talikh Kheer, or simply Kheer by most of the central nomads, who name it for the word in their language meaning “steppe”, the name has been subverted somewhat by the nation of Bengion, who refer to the area instead as “Harenae” meaning, the great desert in their own tongue. With Bengion on the decline, the name Talkih Kheer has gained ground steadily, to the point of receiving acceptance   The Eastern Continent: Traditionally given the name Tian Xia, meaning the people of heaven, the name was coined by the empire of long wa several thousand years ago. Despite Minkai’s attempt to subvert the name multiple times, the name became used with western and southern traders, sealing the name without too much dispute.   The Island of Fractured Nations: Typically called Isula by most of the civilized world, literally translating into “island” in the tongue of bengion. However, many call themselves “Suvasans” if native, in reference to the old nation of Suvasa once thought to be massive and dominating the area.   The Island of the Confederacy: Usually just called Ellinon, even for the areas to the great north of Caroden. Ellinon translates to the people of Ellinos, the traditional name for the first nation upon the island.
Four: Volcanus The Red, First Entrepreneur (He/Him): The Young Red Dragon Volcanus has served for years as the chief financier and entrepreneur of O'Rieno. The red dragon has a keen business wit, and regards the whole of O'Rieno as his horde, worthy of his protection. Originally arriving here though a planar rift, he enjoys the lack of competition from his fellow dragons on the outside world, and spends many days in human form, minding a bakery and pizzeria, using his fire breath to make the bread the perfect consistency. Volcanus is evil, but affably so, always willing to speak plainly to the people of O'Rieno and come to their defense. He speaks like a man of wealth and taste that he is, and is a bit of a perfectionist, taking great pride in his worth. He dreams of his fellow dragons. Volcanus believes that more of them may be out there, forgotten in the lands beyond, and wishes to find them, to form a great dragon enclave, perhaps find love, and to pass the time.   Five: Rameses EggFort, The Sorcerer Supreme (He/Him): The old mage Rameses is now into his 70s but still as spry as ever. The old mage serves as the chief magical adviser to the throne, and in his youth served as an advisor to the empire of Bengion before stumbling into O'Rieno after a magical mishap. Eggfort is ebony skinned, sporting a long white beard, balding, and often wearing a purple suit. He speaks in a manner befitting a slightly crazy wizard, and is often still experimenting on ways and methods to extend his own lively energy, and to explore the mysteries of O'Rieno. He dreams of untapped and crazed magic descending from the major arcana, and hopes to discern the mysteries of even the deck of many things themselves. In his spare time he teaches young warlocks and witches, and guides the wizards guild of O'Rieno as their speaker.   Six: Mermista Nager, The First Sailor (She/Her): Often dressed in a track suit that could easily double as swimwear, Mermista is olive skinned, young, with big poofy hair and an adventurous look. She is athletic, with a "too cool for this" attitude, adventurous and quick to action. As the first sailor she is responsible for anything having to do with the water, be it sailors, her fellow mermaids, fisherman, sea monsters, pirates, or more. The shifting nature of O'Rieno means that there are always new routes to be discovered between the villages of O'Rieno on the water, or even below it. New pirates to battle, new islands to explore diving in from the planes of earth or water, and new adventures to be had. As such Mermista is rarely at the castle in O'Rieno proper instead speaking through a fancy blue orb, but she may transfigure her tail into legs for such occasions she needs to be on land.   Seven: Seer Beau-Regarde, Cosmos Oracle (She/Her): The Seer for O'Rieno is responsible for representing for those who look to the stars, or to the cosmos beyond, and explore the larger world outside of O'Rieno. While O'Rieno has no traditional need for deities due to the influence of the Major Arcana keeping the nation isolated, she is also responsible for the few worshippers in the shrines or temples of the gods. Beau-Regarde is extreme in her enthusiasm, seeing any new study as a cause for celebration. She is aggressive in her actions, she does not position a telescope, she POSITIONS A TELESCOPE. Every development that sates her curiosity is cause for celebration, and she will often make spaghetti to celebrate. Beau-Regarde is a Water Genasi with red hair that often shifts like vapor in the wind. She dreams of exploring the stars, and perhaps even building a spaceship to travel to them.   Eight: Jasper "Tomcat" Stevens, The People's Speaker (He/Him): The handsome, short, yellow haired catfolk rogue serves as the current speaker for the people of O'Rieno. Speaking with a Spanish Arabic accent, Jasper is allegedly responsible for hearing the words of the people and bringing them to the throne. In reality however Jasper is slightly lazy, shirking his responsibilities in favor of his true passion, thievery. Jasper is a professional thief and the leader of the thieves guild in O'Rieno, stealing from the rich, or from forgotten tombs, lost vaults and ancient holds and spending them on his creature comforts like cream, massages, or his incredible ball of yarn perhaps the world's largest. This does not make Jasper less of a people's man. He will be there when his people call, as long as it isn't before 10 AM. Jasper dreams of great heists to take mysterious objects to add to his collection, and a lazy day on the beach to look at all of them. Not too close to the water though.   Nine: Calliope Phoenix, Pathfinder Lodgemaster (She/Her): The estranged daughter of Rameses Eggfort, Calliope is a half-phoenix, an aricockra bird person and the current leader of the pathfinder society. Calliope lives off in the village by the castle itself, searching for new treasures out in the wider world, new discoveries to be found, and seeks to explore the very skies above O'Rieno. She is capable of flight and will often fly fellow adventurers out towards the mountains or clouds themselves. She is neuro-divergent and slightly autistic, having trouble comprehending certain emotions due to her phoenix parentage. This does not prevent her from doing her job, and indeed her communications skills have made the adventurers of O'Rieno's pathfinder society very prosperous. She dreams of finding a way out of O'Rieno, by unravelling the mysteries of the major arcana so that she may fly


The culture of O'Rieno is colorful and festive. The lack of wars or outside influence, and the availability of magic in abundance make celebrations easier to hold. Festivals are commonplace, featuring streamers, confetti, and parades. With the absence of warfare, jousts, tournaments, contests, and duels are also commonplace to keep the populace entertained.   The architecture of O'Rieno is heavily influenced on Aldoranzan design, invoking a sea salt beach atmosphere, tan buildings, colored roofs and side murals. Stairwells embellished with beautiful stone crafted by the builders of O'Rieno are commonplace, and floor paintings and frescos for dancing are common.   The integration of the various magical races in O'Rieno have led to a magical industry that celebrates the diversity of O'Rieno. Fae provide herbs, elemental magics, gardening and farming. Volcanus' breath provides heat to the great engines and machinery that fuel many of the heating or cooling elements of the capital. Unicorns ride with wild horses and commune with those who wish to learn the art of riding, harpies patrol the skies for hidden dangers, and mermaids explore the sea's depths. The integration of these diverse elements have led to a celebration of what makes each culture unique   O'Rieno has no official religion, but the worship of Nethys as the god of magic is common enough, along with worship of Alseta as goddess of doorways and Shelyn as goddess of beauty.

Public Agenda

1. Keep the magic strong in O'Rieno 2. Rule prosperously and generously 3. Be kind and accepting to all you meet 4. Welcome outsiders from the world beyond with open arms


The History of O'Rieno begins not with the arrival of king Wellerman, but millenia beforehand. During the war against the adversary Onafril, in the shadow of the gods, the second world that would become the Shadowfell was born from the adversary's wrath. In a desperate bid to save the land that was O'Rieno, a figure who's name has been lost to history created the first deck of many things, a ritual that has been seldom replicated since. Withdrawing all magic from the land into his deck, the dealer hoped that when the shadow of the adversary had past, the land would flourish. They did not live to see it's flourishing. With all magic withdrawn, all that remained was shadow, and the land and the empire of O'Rieno died and was flung into the shadowfell. The dealer of the deck of cards was lost to nightmare and despair, being warped and twisted in torpor into a being that could not be described as mortal.   Ten: The Dealer (He/They): A shadowy force deep within the workings of O'Rieno. With the return of magic by the utilization of the Throne card, the dealer has "reawakened". Using some of the old machines, and old statues from the land that predates O'Rieno, their shadowy influence has been seeping into the edges of reality, causing magic to go awry, old temples and tombs to reactivate their traps, and for certain monsters, eidolons and golems to re-emerge as threats. Only by restoring the major arcana and delving into the depths of the ruins below the nation could they hope to be confronted, and perhaps restored to who they were before by the resurgence of the deck of many thing's magic.   The first group of magical beings to arrive in O'Rieno after the shadows fell were the fey, banished from the winter court for their support of the Queen of Air and Darkness. They settled in the Dark Forest of O'Rieno, and through their influence many of the woodland animals of the region gained a sort of sentience and knowledge unknown to other nations. Second were the dwarves from Kaz-Irune, a number of their settlers coming through the abandoned gate to Vanaheim, before being stranded on the other side when it became clear that the elven destination was no more. The dwarves took to mount Stonehold, and have remained their ever since.   For thousands of years the land languished, prime for giants, raiders, monsters and all manner of creatures, but primarily as a place for armies to pass through between the east and west of the continent of Midgard. Few men settled in the region so ravaged by war and those who did rarely lasted long. Monstrous races were more common however, using the inhospitable terrain to their advantage.   The wish made on the deck of many things, found within the oceans depths near Aldoranza on the Aesino Coast reawakened the land of O'Rieno. With the throne used and the wish used to protect the land, the vibrant magic of the deck caused the land to flourish. Wellerman used his second wish to allow for anyone in need of safety or sanctuary, discovery or adventure to find O'Rieno if their heart was true. Many of the old weapons of war and forgotten secrets remain in O'Rieno to this day, as well as one magical star in the sky, a final wish from the aspect of the moon, waiting to be discovered.   In the years since the re-emergence O'Rieno was rebuilt with magical assistance and the assistance of the local magical population. The capital city of Arcadia was built on the ruins of the old castle that once stood there. Additional settlers arrived through the fluctuations in magic, as anyone who needed to find O'Rieno was able to, settling and staying in the new nation. By far the largest group of individual arrivals came with the great caravan. Led by the great witch Baba Yaga, the settlers from the Steppe arrived by the thousands fleeing a great calamity out of time and space, settling the land to become the citizens of a great nation. Baba Yaga remained for a time, setting up a home for herself deep in the dark forest, speaking with Queen Boudica about certain matters, and warning the royal family of the dangers of wild magic, and how the spell keeping O'Rieno in place my endure and thrive. In exchange the sorceress asked for three objects, all taken from the royal coffers of the throne beneath the castle, and departed. Since then the witch has reappeared many times in the nation, often travelling with her three riders of red, white and black, to trade, or teach lessons to the dependents of her people.   The royal family of O'Rieno has ruled fairly and benevolently, and a number of kings and queens have ruled in the centuries since. Individual problems have arisen, but the stability of O'Rieno is undeniable, despite the mutable nature of the land. It is this last factor that most frustrates adventurers and map makers for the nation. While the city of Arcadia's position is always static, all other parts of the nation can change shapes at a moment's notice, leading to inconsistent architecture, the loss of old structures and the discovery of new ones. This business keeps the pathfinder society of O'Rieno very busy and ensures there is never a dull moment in the nation.

Demography and Population

The largest population of people in O'Rieno is human, but with a number of individual minorities that collectively are larger than the human population. These other races include Dwarves, Faeries, Centaurs, Gnomes, Elves, Halflings, Pegasus, Gargoyles, Unicorns and Mermaids.


There are seven settlements outside of Arcadia in O'Rieno. They are:    Stonehold: The second largest city in O'Rieno. Founded by Dwarves making the journey to what they thought was Vanaheim hundreds of years ago. They were displaced and arrived in O'Rieno instead. The dwarves and harpies here have built vast stone monuments to their greatness, both above ground and below, and new projects are always in production. It is a haven for builders, scientists and inventors from across the kingdom.    Edgewater: The sleepy town of edgewater is primarily a fishing village, though they often host small festivals as well, including the festival of the pearl, in which swimmers participate to find the biggest pearl they can within the lake's depths. Unicorn populations live very close to EEdgewater in the surrounding farmlands, or at least they do with the permission of the mutable landscape.    Captain's Cove: The third largest city in O'Rieno and the second largest by population. It is the center of commerce for O'Rieno and is home to sailors, pirates, freebooters, and other nautical adventurers from across O'Rieno. Mermaids have a sizeable presence in Captain's cove , living below the city in the Coral Chamber, and participating in the freebooter lifestyle. The architecture of O'Rieno often emulates an Alban style, and the sun is known to shine here unusually most days of the year.    Summer's Dance: Located next to the entrance to the dark forest, Summer's Dance is a haven for weary travelers moving to and from the great forest. Trappers, leather smiths, and other forest dwellers are common, as is a sizable fey population who serve as guardians to the forest for those who overhunt or do not respect it's properties. It hosts a yearly summer festival, involving a great feast, roaring fires, and fireworks across the lake.    Heart-Stone: Located deep in the mountains of chaos, Heart-Stone is famous for a number of old buildings and temples of mysterious origin, as well as the great observatory to observe the stars. A number of scholars and wizards train and study here away from the bustle of the main city of Arcadia. The city gets its name from a great stone statue of a heart in the center of the village square who's origin is unknown.    Sandy Point: Sitting close to the Sandy Desert, Sandy Point is a home to a number of strange relics and inventions from the local Catfolk population, who use camels to traverse the desert, and flying carpets to soar around it towards Arcadia. Genies and elemental presences are common here, as are duelists from the elite fencing school for those who wish to train their acrobatic acumen.    Oakcrest: Located on the far end of the dark forest, and near the grazelands, it is by far the closest location to the hidden hut of Baba Yaga. It is said that her riders will stay at the Old Mare's Inn frequently, and many horse races originate from the ranchers who live there.


Arcadia possesses a royal guard known as the Guard of Many Virtues, but otherwise the nation of O'Rieno relies on knights or freebooters to keep the peace. Thankfully with no outside threats O'Rieno has little conflict outside of monster attacks or reactivated ancient puzzles, leaving the need for a military presence very low.


O'Rieno has no official religion, but worships of Nethys, Alseta, and Shelyn are common enough amongst the populace. Some fey worship the Queen of Air and Darkness returned, but this too, is a rarity. The Dwarves of Stonehold revere Dwallin as one of the four stags, but do not actively call on him for aid.

Foreign Relations

The magical barriers around O'Rieno prevent relations with other powers. It is believed that the sages of Bengion are aware of their nation, but perilously few wizards have been able to reach it, with Rameses Eggfort being the most recent exception. A number of the citizens of O'Rieno are descended from Aldoranza or the Steppe, and hypothetically the nation would be on good terms with them. Baba Yaga's influence makes it likely that Carodyn is aware of them as well, but there has been no interactions made between the two nations.


In most instances a village elder is more than sufficient for the enforcement of laws, but in the event of dispute, any person may plead their case before the throne for clemency. Long term prisons do not exist in O'Rieno and so most offenders are granted some type of community service as punishment for misdeeds.

Agriculture & Industry

A large amount of farmland surrounds O'Rieno, some tended to by giants, others by unicorns, and many more by plain old humans. Occasionally, Baba Yaga will travel with her horsemen to collect wheat and oil from the farmlands of O'Rieno and when she does, she will often leave a gift of something sweet or something spicy for the farmers themselves. Once a year the old witch will deliver a special harvest to Arcadia to host.

Trade & Transport

Trade upon the Cerulean Sea is commonplace. Mermista, the first sailor aids in trade from Arcadia across the the villages of Stonehold, Edgewater, Captain's Cove and Summer's Dance and beyond. Those wishing to travel to more remote areas like the villages of Heart-Stone, Sandy Point and Oakcrest often arrange to fly by the use of magical transports such as harpy carriages, magic carpets or with the aid of the Lodgemaster Calliope Phoenix.


A magical school for gifted youngsters is present within Arcadia, presided by Headmaster Rameses Eggfort, and Vice-Principal GoldenClaw, a dragonborn originally from Zir. Schools also exist for royal etiquette, dancing, singing, and various vocations within the capital.

Dreams to Reality

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Lands Between, The Seventh Card
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Crowns are the royal currency of O'Rieno, when currency is called for. Barter is often used in place of currency, since there are no outside trade partners to trade with, save the great witch Baba Yaga, or the first Entrepreneur Volcanus, and transactions with them are more perilous than the coin to be gained is worth.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

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