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Irenic Foundation

A theocratic union of naturally good creatures, the Irenic Foundation believes in a "True Peace" which is a world without evil. They attempt to root out dark intent from themselves, their neighbours and globally. With the support of the Celestial Realm, they have dictated global policy for the past 400 years, with many empires expelling the populations that the Foundation didn't approve of. Having fought alongside Human and Dwarvish kingdoms against the Infernals, they formed an informal federation, commonly known as the Northern Alliance. This alliance lasted almost 500 years, as the Foundation failed to reel in the drow who'd attacked the dwarves and taken the city of Thigdun for themselves and the, then new, Commonwealth of Humanity took power and allowed Tieflings to return to their lands. The world awaits with bated breath to see if these three realms divided can survive the Infernal horde in the coming cataclysm.

Citizen Races:

  • High Elf
  • Aasimar (Protector, Scourge)
  • Kalashtar


  • Elvish
  • Celestial


  • Anysadorei
  • Umen Esari

The Children of Thoelirn and The Transcendents

      The internal conflict within the Irenic Foundation between The Children of Thoelirn and The Transcendents centers on their differing beliefs about the nature of the elvish deity Thoelirn. The Children of Thoelirn believe that Thoelirn is an elf, while The Transcendents believe that Thoelirn is a celestial being who transcends mortal understanding.   This disagreement has led to tension between the two factions, as each seeks to promote their own beliefs and advance their own agendas within the Irenic Foundation. The Children of Thoelirn argue that Thoelirn is an important part of elvish culture and history, and that their understanding of Thoelirn is based on centuries of tradition and scholarship. They believe that Thoelirn is an elf who can be worshipped and revered like any other deity, and that this is the proper way to honor and respect Thoelirn.   The Transcendents, on the other hand, argue that Thoelirn is beyond mortal understanding and that those who claim to understand Thoelirn's true nature are misguided. They believe that Thoelirn is a celestial being who is beyond the comprehension of mortals, and that those who seek to worship or venerate Thoelirn should do so in a way that reflects this. They argue that the Children of Thoelirn's beliefs are simplistic and misguided, and that they do not truly understand the nature of Thoelirn or the role that Thoelirn plays in the celestial realm.   Overall, the conflict between The Children of Thoelirn and The Transcendents has been a source of tension within the Irenic Foundation for many years, and it shows no sign of abating anytime soon. Despite this, both factions ultimately share a common goal: to promote the ideals of the Irenic Foundation and bring about a world of true peace.  


  The Irenic Foundation's military strategy revolves around the use of their Pegasus Knights as their primary strike force. These knights are trained in both aerial combat and ground combat, allowing them to strike at their enemies from above and then engage in close combat if necessary.   The Irenic Foundation's military strategy primarily revolves around swift, surgical strikes against key targets, often using their Aasimar and Pegasus Knights to strike from the air and their Earth Genasi to create fortifications and defenses on the ground. They are known for its strategic and well-planned attacks, often using surprise and stealth to gain the upper hand against their enemies. They make use of their Kalashtar diviners to gather intelligence and predict the movements of their enemies, allowing them to strike at the most opportune moments.   Overall, the Irenic Foundation's military strategy is centered on swift, coordinated, and overwhelming attacks, using their aerial superiority and powerful magical abilities to quickly defeat their enemies and secure their objectives. They also prioritize the protection of their own people and the preservation of life, using their military strength to defend their territories and defend those who cannot defend themselves.  


  The Shield of Faith is made up of soldiers who defend the Irenic Foundation from external threats, such as infernal armies and orcish raiders. They are trained to be versatile and adaptable, able to handle a wide range of situations. Many of them are also trained in healing magic, allowing them to provide support to civilians and other soldiers during times of crisis.   The Windblade is the branch of the military responsible for carrying out purges of Infernal races and engaging in offensive operations against the Orcish Warbands and Infernal Armies. They are made up of skilled and experienced warriors, including elves and other races with magical abilities. The Windblade is known for their swift and decisive actions, and they are often called upon to carry out difficult or sensitive missions on behalf of the Foundation.   Finally, the Shadow Blade is a secretive group within the Windblade that is responsible for infiltration and espionage operations. They are skilled in stealth and deception, and they are rumored to have access to powerful magical abilities that allow them to move undetected in enemy territory. Despite their mysterious nature, the Shadow Blade is known to be a highly effective force within the Irenic Foundation's military, and they are often called upon to carry out the most sensitive and dangerous missions on behalf of the Foundation.   Both the Shield of Faith and the Windblade are highly respected within the Irenic Foundation, and are seen as the protectors of their fragile. They are both supported by a large number of support staff and logistics personnel, who ensure that the soldiers have the resources and support they need to succeed in their missions. However they often feel the reverberations of political schemes occurring in The Convocation.
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