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Kathaan is a demonlord of her own domain, known as Veggol. From there, she reaps the souls of mortals through her patrons, her vampires. True vampires are imbued with incredible strength as well as a state of undeath. In exchange, when one of her vampires kills or turns a mortal, the victim's soul goes to her. To become a true vampire, a mortal would have to find all of her artifacts. A turned vampire is still left soulless and acts much more primal and subservient to their Sire, who turned them. Once a true vampire is killed, all vampires they sired perish also.   Her physical manifestation is illusive, but she presents to those she speaks with, as a red eye in the sky of her domain.  


  As a demonlord, Kathaan has a constant hunger for souls. She cast her relics upon the Central Domain to create true vampires, who would harvest souls for her to consume. Whilst many souls are delivered to her by her vampires, she feels the need to stir conflicts when her vampires cannot gather enough for her. Though stirring such conflicts can be draining and sometimes inefficient. Yet her greatest conflict that still stirs to this day, and has proven to be a strong source of souls, is provoking the demons into attacking the Central Domain, which she knew would draw the attention of the Celestials. Kathaan already had her first true vampire bringing in more souls for her, but she needed more. With the conflict between demons and celestials, Kathaan is able to feast on souls whilst remaining elusive.   To willingly become a true vampire would be seen by many as madness. However those that do become true vampires usually do so out of some hope in their desperation or delusion of grandeur. There are few that are fully able to complete their ascension to true vampirism. Not only is it hard to gather all of the relics of Kathaan, but the demonlord herself puts would-be true vampires through a trial, in which they have limited time to gather the relics or be hunted by her demon servants. Many have tried to best this trial, few have succeeded. Some try to escape this fate by abandoning their relics. This in fact only draws Kathaan's ire, resulting in a slow and painful death.   Commonly the first relic to be gathered by would-be ascendants is Kathaan's chalice. A golden chalice encrusted with rubies. Would-be ascendants will find that the first time they come across this relic it is filled with a crimson liquid - blood. Whose blood it is, is unknown, whether it's the blood of one of Kathaan's demonic servants or blood from the demonlord herself is unknown. What is known is that drinking this blood begins the path to true vampirism, acting as a catalyst for the body to change.   Kathaan's other relics include a set of rings, which only grants power when both rings are worn on separate hands; an obsidian sword with a vein of soulstone running through the middle of it that seems to grow in power with its wielder; and a necklace, the gems of which are all made of soulstone.   The first mortal to gather all the relics and become a true vampire was one Hacaan Benedictus, and was arguably Kathaan's most favoured true vampire to have walked the Central Domain. Hacaan sired many vampire thralls, so many that he was seen as a threat that needed to be stamped out before he grew in power. Vampire hunters were trained and hunted Hacaan and his thralls, eventually putting him to his final rest. With the defeat of Hacaan, the relics were sealed away from each other to prevent any one person gathering them all.   Yet the second Cataclysm provided enough chaos for a new true vampire to ascend. Loredana Von Hagen was the second true vampire to walk the Central Domain. As the lady and head of the Von Hagen House, Loredana was constantly the target of assassination plots, yet survived all of them. However her family did not, and soon she was the last of her House. Rather than accepting death, Loredana sought to ascend to immortality so her House could live on. She used the chaos of the first Cataclysm to collect all of Kathaan's relics and ascend into true vampirism. Loredana was an enemy to demon, celestial, and mortal alike. It is unknown how she died, though it is believed that the celestials had some involvement in her death. What is known is that the relics were once more scattered across the Central Domain, presumed lost to time.   Many mortals went in search of the vampiric relics, yet none were successful in gathering them all, as the necklace remained hidden. So hidden is the necklace that it is now believed to no longer be on the Central Domain, and now kept in a secure vault by the celestials to prevent any true vampires from ascending to harvest souls for their demonlord.   The most recent mortal on the path of vampirism is Lord Ozul Denathrius, the head of a long dead House. His story is somewhat similar to that of Loredana, though he is far more delusional. Ozul believes that vampirism is the path that will allow him to mete out his own form of justice across the Central Domain. As delusional as Ozul is, he is possessed by a frightening determination to see his path to the end, the same determination that Hacaan had on his journey to true vampirism. Now Ozul must endure the trial of Kathaan in order to gain her favour, and her gift. With his will to butcher those that stand in his way, Ozul has already fed Kathaan many souls, gaining much favour with the demonlord.   All those that have sought to become true vampires seem to have suffered great loss in their lives. Hacaan was stripped of his nobility, banished from his House, and exiled after being framed for a great crime, Loredana and Ozul lost their entire livelihood and families. It is unclear if this is just coincidence or if Kathaan orchestrates these events so that she can have new true vampires. What is known is that Kathaan benefits from these events, even if her patrons fail to become true vampires, she still gains souls to feast upon.   Written by Pip and Liv


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