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Prelude to the Present: Session 13 {Sire's Journal - Entry Number: 831}

General Summary

At last, the rings of Kathaan are mine. My research has finally borne fruit. After too many years, I'm finally one step closer towards my destiny, one more step towards my glorious ascension.   After dealing with the pitiful elves in the upper cave, we descended into a deep pit. It would seem I was the only one that had to climb down the cave wall using rope, the others had their own ways of getting down. At the bottom of this pit was a pool of blood, for a brief time I was overflowing with power. The sounds of fighting could be heard ahead. It would seem that those humans we released were fighting an elf... specifically the elf that I had previously thrown into this pit. Seems he somehow survived. No matter, I put an end to the miserable worm's life, and we killed the humans. They were just in the way.   Venturing further into this cave, we came across a portal. There were also large... bowls of blood? I drank some of the blood, which seemed to make the portal dissipate. No matter, there will be another way out. We pressed on, assassinating a guard as we continued. We came across a larger opening with a lot more humans than the previous rooms. Perfect, more blood to spill. One of them has to have the ring as well.   Most of the humans were butchered, all except for a scion. For some reason, the Genasi that had previously angered two mimics was now trying to defend this Human. This Human that had stood in my way. He had stood in the way of my ascension, and deserved nothing more than death. Although, he knew how to re-open the portal... and the Genasi wasn't going to back down. I'd prefer to not start a fight with these people, as powerful as I am, I doubt I would survive. No point in dying because of one person. I searched the body of an offficer, identified as Zao Chai. I found the second ring of Kathaan and put it on.   I heard a voice, it greeted me as it's champion. One more step to ascension, one more step towards domination.
Report Date
15 Mar 2023


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