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Prelude to the Present: Session 12 - The Six Hour Session

General Summary

The party continued their journey, now into the Obsidian Core after climbing the mountain and finding the entrance adorned with weathered drawings of a Minotaur drawn in blood. Exploring the cave, Beihlur discovered a chest that turned out to be a mimic, but they were able to defeat it. Amdhi meditated and was able to communicate with a multitude of passive ghosts and learn that one of the Rings of Kathaan was with a group of elves. Beihlur investigated some scrolls and found military records of various humans and elves that ended 50 years ago. As they ventured further into the cave, they found a maze and chose to go right.   Amdhi discovered a mirror and found the message "Look at me. Look into yourself. Face yourself" written around the outside in Primordial. After touching the mirror, he was transported to a pocket dimension where he encountered a clone of himself, and a creature attempting to steal his thoughts and flood them into the Mirror Amdhi. Despite his clone's attempts to stop him, Amdhi emerged victorious and shattered the mirror.   Ozul discovered a horn with a gem in the side of it that grew brighter as he approached. Kelbor retrieved the horn after Ozul had to retreat from its blinding light. Beihlur saw an elf in front of a steel gate who attempted to accost him before being knocked out. Behind the gate was a prison holding two humans, and Kelbor was able to communicate with them in his small form. Amdhi released them and retrieved the dog tags of their allies from another cell.   Beihlur infiltrated the headquarters and attempted to gather information on the elves' research, but was unsuccessful. In a torture room, he encountered another mimic and retreated after levitating barrels to block its path. The mimic was eventually killed, and the party engaged in combat with the summoned apes and slain many elves, including the authority figure Kailou who possessed one of the Rings of Kathaan. Ozul held the other ring by the end of the fight.
Report Date
16 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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