BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Lorgar Aurelian

Lorgar Started out as an initiate to the order of The Servant after leaving home at 16 and headed to Whiteharbor to make a name for himself and his family. It took him 4 years to work his way up from an initiate to paladin. This was 4 years of sweat blood and broken bones as he was beaten down and rebuilt as a tool of The Servant. He became a servant of the people in all facets of the word. There was no job too small for him. Need help lifting something? He was on it. Need to build a wall? He was ready. Need some goblins dealt with? Already done.   He was assigned to the town of Tinhill which had a Lord's manor inhabited by Lord Dieter Reyner, Lady Jayde Reyner and their only child Lady Anya Reyner. After a year in the town Lorgar grew close with the family even staying in the manor while in the town. He grew rather close with Anya and confessed his feelings for her. Anya felt the same but they couldn't be together as her parents would not approve of the pairing as he is not of the old upper class bloodlines. They continued their love in secret away from the eyes of her parents. They even ended up married after slipping two towns away to be married in secret by someone with no connection to Tinhill. Lorgar would do anything for Anya, she was his one and only, his best friend who he could confide in and also an excellent source of reason and knowledge when he couldn’t figure out the solution to a problem.   Lorgar accepted a job to escort the Lord and his family to Icehill. On the way they were attacked by the other guards of the journey, and they had been paid off by another family of the old blood who still held a blood feud against the Reyner Family. Lorgar tried his best to protect the family but one by one each of them fell. Until it was just Lorgar and Anya left standing. Lorgar fought with all of his strength using his skills to deflect the multiple blows that were coming towards him and his love. He got overwhelmed by the now hostile guards and with one swift strike from the guards lost his shield bearing arm. He tried to continue fighting but the shock and the pain of losing his arm overcame him and he fell to the ground, battered and bruised. The guards closed in on Anya and brought her right to Lorgar so that he could watch as the guards slit her throat and the life drained out of her eyes. And with that his eyes fell shut from his injuries taking a toll on him.   Lorger woke up hours later. He was alone. The forest he was in was quiet. He sat up and crawled over to Anya, he couldn't believe it. The love of his life was taken away from him before they could even start a proper life together. It felt like his hope, dreams and reason to live had been snatched away from him. From that point he broke his oath to the ancients and to protect the people of the world from evil. Using his sword and searing smite he cauterised his wound. The pain was unbearable, and it broke something in him. His pain turned to strength, his sadness hate and his weakness into determination. He dragged himself to his feet, picked up Anya and carried her to the nearest town to be buried. From there he started his campaign to rid the world of all those who wronged anyone.   Lorgars personality shifted dramatically, rather than being caring and understanding about people's circumstances, he enforced a strict set of rules and laws which if broken came with brutal punishments. Caught stealing? Lose a hand. Caught lying while in an investigation? Cut your tongue out. This behaviour gained him some attention and notoriety with the criminal underworld. He became an enforcer for hire, travelling from city to city doing dirty work for the organised crime gangs of the country. After a job gone wrong he was cut out of the organised crime life. He instead decided to start adventuring again. Maybe he would start to get a following of supporters who would help him enforce his will to make the world a better, stronger place where crime is not an issue because everyone is too afraid of the consequences to carry out any wrongdoing. A world where what happened to Anya can never happen again.
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