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The Adventure so Far 04: Halloweenies

General Summary

Cast: -Garrett (Ollie) -Ivasaar (Ash) -Lorgar (Michael) -Morven (Tony)   As the weeks passed from when Beihlur, Ivasaar & Lord Gray had helped Ozul retake his mansion from, who would turn out to be. his distant relatives, separated on different Felled Isles. Without any word from Ozul and unsure of his allegiances , Udurth was becoming concerned as to the whereabouts of Ozul and sent a new party to look for him, the party got acquanted and after some remarks that might qualify as workplace discrimination in many directions. With Garrett at the helm of an Airship and Ivasaar with a memory as to the location, they ventured to Blackwood Manor.   After first sweeping over the house and general spookiness, the group split . Garret saw the a spectral figure, up stairs pouring a cup of something from a teacup. He was able to get a clear look at the spectre's elven features. As the ghost returned his gaze, she vanished, the tea pot in her hands falling and cracking on the floor.   Morven was able to manifest the spectre by focussing and rejoining the halves of the pot, as they did this the ghost was reappirated. Forming like whisps of smoke, as they formed the visage of the same elf. Upon questioning, the group were able to discover the ghost to be Eilsys Silverdew, Ozul's wife. Through questioning, the ghost became more and more conscious and upset, explaining that someone called "The Iceglades" had slain the people in the housein a fire some 600 years ago, that they'd been awakened by the slaying of a Denathrius on the grounds of the manor which was meant to keep them safe. As Ivasaar questioned to the location of Ozul, the spectre became lifelike in it's representation of the Elven woman, her features becoming clear. She questioned as to Ivasaar's intention, he was able to explain that they were friends and that he wanted to see him. The ghost guided them to the basement.   As the group travelled down to the basement they came across another spectre held in the keep. Decending further they came across a set of crypts, one for each Denathrius. They pressed the stone tablet off and found a only a set of armor on the surface. Lorgar took the armour. Seeing this the others began pushing the lids from the other crypts, finding a mirror.   Following the cave down they found a large opening in the basement. There was a tempest of souls spiral a glowing hole in the ground that descended 5 feet into the ground. Ivasaar approached the hole and saw Ozul in this heavy slumber below, Ivasaar was attached by a rope and leaned over the edge. As he poked at Ozul with his sword Eilsys again appeared in front of him and called him a betrayer. The immalgimation of the grief stricken souls came through the ceiling and battled the group.   The group was injured however made it through, with great help from Morven's tales from beyond, both of the spirits dispelled, the last from Garrett. They left and Morven identified the party's magical, or cursed items they collected. And Garrett gained a further understanding of his magical items.
Report Date
16 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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