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Malicity is a city built upon the ashes of the Hollow Grove, a symbol of the Infernal's victory over the powerful unicorn who once guarded this land. The city is a chaotic blend of towering spires and makeshift shanties, a place where the desperate and the powerful collide, with towering inferno-blackened trees serving as its foundations and buildings.   The city's harbor is cluttered with the hulks of old ships, many of which have been repurposed as taverns, brothels, or black-market bazaars. Pirates and smugglers flock to the city, using its location on the coast as a hub for their illegal operations. The streets are filled with the sounds of shouting merchants and the clanging of steel as rival gangs clash for control.   Despite the constant danger, the city is also a place of opportunity for those willing to take risks. The sorcerers and thieves who make up the Cursed Union can be found here, practicing their dark arts and plotting their next heists. The city is a melting pot of races, cultures, and ideologies, each with their own reasons for being there. In the shadow of the towering black trees, one can find all manner of goods, services, and secrets for sale. The streets are alive with the sounds of haggling, laughter, and the clanging of steel as rival gangs settle disputes.   The air is thick with the scent of salt water and acrid smoke, and the dark alleys and twisting streets are a labyrinth of danger and excitement. Those who dare to venture into the heart of Malicity will find themselves in a world where power is the only currency and danger lurks around every corner.
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