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Infernal Dominion

The Infernal Dominion is a vast and powerful realm ruled by the cunning and ambitious devils. The Dominion is organized into a hierarchical system of ranks and titles, with the most powerful and influential devils holding the highest positions of power.   The infernal hierarchy is headed by the Archdevils, who lead the Dominion's nine circles of Hell. Beneath them are the Princyrs, who control large territories and carry out the Archdevils' orders. The Baronyn control large regions and maintain order, while the Marquisate control smaller territories and have similar responsibilities. Illbringer, also known as the Knights of the Nine, manage smaller groups of devils and Vassalar, the lowest rank, serve as soldiers and enforcers. Each rank has its own privileges, power, and responsibilities, and competition for advancement is fierce.   The Dominion is ruled by a powerful bureaucracy, with different departments and agencies responsible for different aspects of the Dominion's operations. The ruling class of devils is highly competitive and only the strongest and most ambitious rise to the top. They use souls as currency and have a complex system of soul brokers and traders that are vital to the economy of the Dominion.   The Dominion has a powerful military, consisting of the damned and twisted creatures, created by the Department of Damnation, that serves as a reminder of the Dominion's power and control over the mortal realm. The Dominion is also known for its advanced soul-powered technology, including soul-powered weapons, powerful magical wards, and soul-powered airships.   The Dominion is not only a place of fear and darkness, but also of intricate political maneuvering and internal conflicts, as different factions of devils compete for power and influence. The Dominion is a realm that is both alluring and terrifying, a reminder of the great divide between the mortal and the divine.

The Iron Hand and the Silken Touch

  The Iron Hand is a powerful faction within the Infernal Dominion, led by the Archdevil Asmodeus. They are known for their aggressive and militaristic approach to the mortal realms of the Central Domain, believing in the total conquest and enslavement of mortals as inferior beings meant to serve the Dominion and its powerful devilish inhabitants. They are ruthless in their tactics, using brute force to achieve their goals. They are heavily armed and armored with soul-powered weapons and technology, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. Their ranks are filled with powerful and ambitious devils who are willing to do whatever it takes to rise through the ranks and gain the favor of their leader, Asmodeus. The Iron Hand's ultimate goal is to expand the Infernal Dominion's territory and power, and they will stop at nothing to achieve this. They are seen as the more traditional and bellicose faction of the Dominion.     The Silken Touch is a powerful faction within the Infernal Dominion, led by the cunning and seductive Archdevil Lilith. Unlike The Iron Hand, the Silken Touch does not believe in brute force and open conquest being the only solution to conquest. Instead, they believe in a more subtle and nuanced approach, working to infiltrate and corrupt the mortal realms from within. They use persuasion, manipulation and subtle influence to slowly gain power and influence, until mortals are willingly serving the Dominion. The Silken Touch is known for its skilled agents who are experts in espionage and manipulation, often working undercover in mortal governments and organizations to gain access to important information and resources. They are also known for their ability to corrupt and twist the hearts of mortals, turning them into willing servants of the Dominion. While the Iron Hand sees mortals as weak and inferior, the Silken Touch sees them as potential pawns to be used in their quest for domination.


The different ranks of Devils are as follows.
  • Archdevils: The highest-ranking devils within the Dominion, the Archdevils possess immense power and command the loyalty of many other devils. They are typically the leaders of the Dominion and make decisions that shape the Dominion's policies and actions.
  • Princyrs: Second in command to the Archdevils, the Princyrs hold significant power and control over large territories or departments within the Dominion. They are often tasked with carrying out the Archdevils' orders and have their own loyal followers.
  • Baronyn: These powerful devils hold control over large regions within the Dominion and have a significant amount of autonomy in their territories. They are responsible for maintaining order and collecting souls within their regions.
  • Marquisate: These devils hold control over smaller territories or departments within the Dominion and are responsible for collecting souls and maintaining order within their areas of control.
  • Illbringer: These Knights of the nine are typically in charge of smaller groups of other devils, and are responsible for training and managing them.
  • Vassalar: These are the lowest-ranking devils within the Dominion, serving as soldiers and enforcers for the higher-ranking devils. They are often used for manual labor and other tasks that require brute force. They have little autonomy or decision-making power, but are important to the Dominion's operations.


The Infernal military is a formidable force, made up of powerful and ruthless legions led by the Princyrs, the second-in-command to the Archdevils. Each legion is specialized in a particular aspect of warfare and have their own unique tactics and strategies.  
  • The Blackened Legion, led by Princyr Belial, is a ruthless force of destruction and conquest. They are known for their brutal tactics and willingness to use extreme violence to achieve their goals. They are often sent into areas where the Dominion's control is weak, with the mission to conquer and enslave the mortal population.
  • The Legion of the Damned, led by Princyr Mammon, is a secretive and feared organization within the Dominion. They are responsible for rooting out dissent and treachery within the Dominion, using any means necessary to uncover and eliminate threats to the Dominion's power. They are also tasked with hunting down rogue souls and rogue mortals who dare to defy the Dominion's authority.
  • The Shadow Hand, led by Princyr Leviathan, is a covert and highly skilled force of infiltration and assassination. They are tasked with infiltrating mortal society and gathering information, as well as carrying out targeted killings of key figures who pose a threat to the Dominion's plans. They are known for their stealth and their ability to move undetected among mortals.
  • The Inferno's Fury, led by Princyr Beelzebub, is a fierce and relentless legion known for their relentless attacks and devastating firepower. They specialize in siege warfare, using their advanced soul-powered technology to breach the defenses of even the strongest fortresses. They are often sent to conquer and subjugate Central Domain's powerful cities.
  • The Dark Riders, led by Princyr Astaroth, are a fast-moving and highly mobile force of flying cavalry. They specialize in quick strikes and hit-and-run tactics, overwhelming their enemies with speed and surprise. They are often used to disrupt and disrupt the enemy's supply lines, as well as to hunt down and capture key enemy leaders.
  • The Doombringers, led by Princyr Azazel, are a heavily-armored and heavily-armed force of shock troops. They specialize in heavy assault and close-quarters combat, using their superior strength and toughness to break through enemy defenses and wreak havoc in the enemy's rear areas. They are often used to spearhead the Dominion's attacks, paving the way for the Inferno's Fury and Dark Riders to follow.
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