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Oblivion is a Harbingers of the End and demon that feeds off of ignorance and misinformation.
  It thrives on the lack of knowledge and education, and will often use manipulation and deceit to keep people uninformed and misinformed. It is highly intelligent and cunning, and will often infiltrate and educational institutions and media outlets to spread disinformation and sow confusion. It is particularly dangerous as it can erode the very foundations of society by undermining the trust in information and knowledge.
  Those who fall under its influence may find themselves trapped in a cycle of misinformation and propaganda, unable to discern truth from fiction. The demon is also known for its ability to make people forget important information, making them forgetful and unable to remember important details, including their names.
  It despises the Arcasturm Republics and relishes any lost knowledge suffered by the Gnomes.


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