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The Adventure so Far 17: Blind Faith

General Summary

-rough-   Llywelyn has just learned about Arch-key-ogolly and its his new hyper focus, fortunately shes found out about a new mysterious ruin™️ that's just appeared outside the village of Tinhill, unfortunately they seem completely unaware of the potential danger. anyone wanna come with / supervise this expedition?   It's pretty usual for new buildings to be found when one isn't checking, that said, how strange it was for the villagers of Tinhill that a ruin appeared just out of town.  
    They found an anciemt temple to Thoelirn, Elvish God of Divination that appears disperate location, observing the surroundings briefly before teleporting to a different location. Venturing inside they found many traps intended to keep out the unfaithful. They met the keeper of the temple, who offered them an audience with Thoelirn.   Garrett asked of the location of his daughter, Thoelirn responded "Aurora is amongst the clouds, soaring and reclaiming that which was taken. Amongst a nest of privateers, she stands upon magical vessels to take from those that once denied her.
Report Date
12 Apr 2023
Primary Location
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