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The Cubic Gate

The Cubic Gate is a powerful magical artifact that is capable of opening portals to other planes of existence. It is a small, cube-shaped object that is approximately 3 inches across and radiates palpable magical energy. The six sides of the cube are each keyed to a different plane of existence, one of which is the Material Plane.   The Cubic Gate was kept at the Xalziver Academy, in a display with a wall of force in a sphere around it. The Cubic Gate levitated at the center of the wall, protected by the impenetrable barrier of the wall of force. As soon as the wall was breached, a fireball spell was triggered, causing a burst of flame to fill the sphere and damaging anyone inside. An alarm was also triggered, alerting the guards to the attempted theft.   The Cubic Gate is now in the Domain of Fire in the aftermath of Gizmo Foplerople's plan and intervention by Sire Ozul Denathrius and Llywelyn.
Item type


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