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Wood Elves

The Wood Elves of the Prairie Grove are a tribe of elves who live in a vast grassland region in the Central Domain. They are known for their close connection to nature and their ability to blend in with their surroundings, thanks to their keen senses and natural stealth.   The Wood Elves value harmony with the natural world above all else, and they work to preserve the balance of the ecosystem in which they live. They are skilled hunters and farmers, and they rely on the resources of the prairie to sustain themselves. They are also skilled craftsmen, using the materials found in the natural world to create intricate and beautiful works of art.   Despite their connection to nature, the Wood Elves are also a fiercely independent people. They fiercely defend their territory and are not afraid to use force to protect their way of life. They are also known for their fierce loyalty to their kin, and will go to great lengths to defend their tribe and its members.   Many of the Wood Elves have stopped following the traditional Elvish pantheon, instead choosing to worship the forces of nature and the spirits of the prairie. Some of these elves may still pay respects to Traelar, the elvish deity of nature and the wild, but many have turned to a diverse group of nature spirits and Fey deities. These elves see the Fey as more attuned to the natural world and more in tune with the needs of the Wood Elves.   Overall, the Wood Elves of the Prairie Grove are a proud and self-sufficient people, deeply connected to the natural world and fiercely independent. They value harmony and balance, and work to preserve the ecosystem in which they live.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Wood Elves


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