Red claw of the Sagittar

We barely escaped with our lives from the old Meritocracy, not knowing why they hated us so... We found out later they'd just been biding their time, and the Solars were the ones keeping them in check.

Then came the second great trial of the Red.

Our leaders had to pick those of us who had a realistic chance to survive. Six out of every thirteen survived, and so goes our flag, six red-orange columns standing among seven expanses of darkness.

We are clones, we are chosen, down to the cellular level, to be the very best, we will bring honor to our ancestors! Even if the sun burns us, we will still try to stand!

The Red Pulser, Poem collection, Spinne, Kappa Monastery press, Thallax III Kappa, 2332.
Planet Brietie, where Kimanjo City is located, is the most coreward part of the arm, and at the intersection of the claimed territories of the Niobaran Sodality, Clabattan Commonwealth and Siolaner Solidarity, acting as the capital of all the territories of those who fled into the arm after the The cutting of the light. All of these territories, and indeed even planet Brietai is subject to terrifying meteor storms, excess weather, both caused by the x-ray pulses breaking out planetoids in their solar systems or hitting the atmosphere of their worlds and causing cascades of energy leading to terrifying extreme storms.


The tip of the galactic arm called Sagittar, the red claw is constantly pounded by the radiation of the Supernova known as the Red Pulser.

Localized Phenomena

While the infrared, visible light and ultra-violet of the Red Pulser's rays are blocked by most atmosphere's upper layers, the X-Rays are not, and are a health concern(some frequencies are actively carcinogen) and their energy levels catalyze poorly understood chemical reactions in all layers of the atmosphere. Ozone "puffs", CO2 being turned into CO, sulfur hexafluoride turning into unstable sulfur octafluoride, all have been documented. The excess energy also causes a great number of freak storms: thunder showers, tornadoes, typhoons are all known to occur at greater frequency when the Red Pulser f'lashes'.
Galactic Sector
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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