Wyse 3c2f9547-19fe-4bb6-848f-cd3bce1702c3

3c2f9547-19fe-4bb6-848f-cd3bce1702c3 Wyse (a.k.a. Nyotawyse)

"Who are you?"

"I am Wyse 3c2f9547-19fe-4bb6-848f-cd3bce1702c3, that's my earpod you're looking upon. I am the ghost in the machine."

"How can this be? That was at least a hundred years ago."

"I'm not here in the flesh, not anymore, I fled into the computers that were my living, and my birthright. I am evolved past human, a being of light, of zeros and ones, thoughts untrammeled by flesh."

"To these cousins, you are famous." Rachel pointed to Clove Grant, who was agape. "A monument, a pivotal figure of history."

"To those that know the truth, i am the worse kind of heretic, choosing friendship over anger, understanding over vengeance, and questioning whether or not the Red Gene-council was responsible for for the culling or if was the Meritocracy. I wrote the Five Accusations of Thallax Iota, then had to flee, the electronic warfare behind me made me do it. You say 'these cousins', are you not a Terran?"

"I was decanted in a vat, but raised by Solars, as you would call them, on Terra itself."

"What? Is that possible?"

"My gene-donor, my father, as they say on Terra, is an envoy, an emissary of the Solars, an Emissary of Terra, while my mother is the true expression of a rare genemix chosen to be cloned."

"You're the one who should be famous."

"Why did you digitize yourself?"

"I had what turned out to be CD-M-CURL. Nothing like your own body betraying you and starting to fall to pieces. But now that I'm digital, I don't even show my age."

"I hear you started your own genename."

"No, my CD-M-CURL was too unpredictable, but already too advanced for that, they always pretended I have though, going through the pretense of granting me immortality as they thought me dying. The great irony being that I found immortality on my own, and needed not their scraps of it.

Year of Birth
2201 CE 109 Years old
Smoky black eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Shimmering Ebony Skin


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