The Iron Dogs Organization in Cerin | World Anvil

The Iron Dogs


At the top is The Guild Master. This person leads the guild and has all the say in what happens in the guild. They are also the only member with this title current holder is Karleen.
  The next rank in the guild is Venandi most members of the Iron Dogs have this rank as monster hunting is their common type of work.

Public Agenda

The guild's Agenda is to keep people safe from monsters and do mercenary work as long as they are paid to do so.


The guild mostly works with gold, silver and copper. However, they have been known to work with trade items like wood, fur and other good that are long-lasting.


The Iron Dogs started up after a group of settling Ratfolk from Old Topkapi and surviving guild members of the White Triger's making their way up north to have a place of work and to live some were safe.   this timeline has the history of theĀ Iron Dogs and there members History of the Iron Dogs
Founding Date
4 Ocmena 5752
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
the White Triger's
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


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