Sam Den Character in Cerin | World Anvil

Sam Den

Nemesis/Plotter - Mentor
field medic/Doctor
5 - Highly trained genius

Sam Den (a.k.a. Niveus, Marshmallow)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

For a Lutra, I'm taller for my kind however you wouldn't really tell with my friends being the smallest of the group, Im also very dexteritiys my body being long and thin make it easyer to move around.

Body Features

large chest scar from a lighting attack and an exit wound on the bottom of his foot. right arm scar from a piece of shrapnel. chest scar from spear and scar on hand.

Facial Features

One eye is dark blue than the other from losing it to a troll's frost attack leaving some small scaring around the eye but was able to have it regenerated but came a darker colour than my old one. The scar on the top forehead from a Mace.

Identifying Characteristics

White fur and large chest scar

Apparel & Accessories

On Job: Follower Nickless, Blue Buff Coat, steel helmet, brown Leather Gloves, bandoleer, Horn signal, Headband of inspired wisdom and Big backpack

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born on the river of Lelystad near the town of Weert with my two brothers, Robin and Milo. My little sister Dasy was born 3 years later. We all grew up together like all Otterlings on the rivers of Lelystad my dad Nordbert Den a doctor and my mother Kiane Den a healer both of which were matched by the council but it was a happy marriage and happy family.
Being the second born, I was being taught how to with finance and selling goods however we quickly found that Robin had an eye for finance, number and marking and fortunately, I had an act for being a healer which I got from talking to my nan Emilia Den she was the one that told my father and not long after I because his apprentice. Then not long after I was introduced to Lucy we quickly became friends being the next one to become a healer after a few years and understanding how the council matched people we quickly realized that we were most likely going to marry each other one day.
However, the two of us growing up on Nan's stories on how she left to see the world and joined Hospitalers which made the two of us want to go on adventures of my own but I knew the council would never allow it. Once my train was done and by the council, I was now a doctor both myself and Lucy when out to celebrate. That was when I told her I planned to leave and once she finished her training I'll come back to get her being Lucy she thought I was just joking it was the last we spoke after that I saved some money spent time with friends and family knowing if I left in the day my family would have stopped me so in a way I ran away from home and left to Vurchag to find work as a field medic.




First, like most Lutra I learn the basics like my abcs and number along with that of the other races that live within Lelystad. After that being the middle child I started to learn finance, number and marking as my mother and father wanted me to go into trading as my older brother Robin would be expected to take over my father's work or in another village. however, it was found that Robin was better with numbers and I was better at learning medicine it did take like before I became an Apprentice doctor with my father pus I started to read many medical books.
I was also taught how to use a quarterstaff mostly for defence as there are still many dangers for my kind such as raiding gnomes, Setra and bandits. I was also taught in secret by my nan how to make small explosives which I've learnt to experiment with making them more powerful and having different effects.
After the attack on the white tigers I asked Karleen to teach me how to use swords and guns
I am also saving up to get into medical school so I can get my official medical license.


field medic for The Iron Dogs
Doctor for New Topkapi

Mental Trauma

I suffer from pdsd and nightmares

Personality Characteristics


I wish to be an adventurer and I want to care for the friends and family around me.

Likes & Dislikes



Sam Den

Friend (Vital)

Towards Variel Sygilia



Variel Sygilia

Friend (Important)

Towards Sam Den



Wealth & Financial state

to most people, I would have grown up being poor but in my Village and to Nihma people, we are more well off than most. Now thanks to adventuring I would say middle class however for the past year my living has mostly been in tents and inns but I do have some gold saved up.
Current Status
The Gods
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
9th Ocmena 5735
One dark blue eye and one light blue eye
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown fur with a light brown under belly (without ring) Snow White (with ring)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, Otterlings, Dwarven, Goblin, Halfling, Orc


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