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Druids are servants of nature and wielders of magic that is neither arcane, nor drawn from a particular deity. They are classified as Magi.   Some say that there were gods who didn't pull away from the world in the Age of Lost Knowledge, instead become one with Chaian nature, and that it is from these gods (gone but not dead) that druids draw their powers. There are certainly similarities between druidic magic and the magic wielded by Clerics.   While many other professions and organizations vary of the continent, druids maintain a remarkable consistency. Though there are different orders and circles among them, they all speak the same secret language.



Druids train for nearly their entire lives, raised among a circle of druids and taught the ways of this secretive profession.   Some druids train at universities such as Moonwall University, though such a path is rare for a follower of nature.   One of the most well-known druidic circles exists in Asrandel, among the Raina. Asrandel is, in fact, led by druids, and most government positions are filled by those who have druidic training. Typically a druid trained in Asrandel is expected to act in the interest of that nation even if they do not hold a formal position in the government.   There are also many druids among the Yorubo people of Miakutia. These druids are, perhaps, the closest to the wild and free stereotype many associate with druids. Beholden to no one, druids from Miakutia act as healers, sages, and repositories of knowledge, whether at a specific locale or through nomadic travels.


Social Status

Druids are misunderstood by civilized people, who see them either as Luddites or simply uncivilized versions of Magi.

Cover image: by azgaar


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