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Magi is a broad term, referring to anyone in Chaia who practices magic. Wizards, warlocks, clerics, sorcerers, and more fall under this umbrella.   Spell-casters are a rarity in Chaia. While magic exists throughout the continent, those who can actually create magical items or work spells are a tiny minority.



Magi are those who are capable of bending the fabric of reality to their will in flashy ways. While a high leveled fighter or rogue might defy all physical limitations with their physical abilities, there is a clear delineation in the minds of the people of Chaia between the magi and such physical specimens. Because this category is so unclearly defined, the qualifications are also very nebulous. All that is technically required is the ability to impact the physical world all by one's self without requiring more than words, gestures, and one's innate energy.
Alternative Names
Wise Ones, Mages, Freaks
Given the relatively low number of mages per normal person, the magi are in high demand in almost all cases.
Typically magi
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by azgaar


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