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Sorcerers are Magi who are able to wield magic because of their unique bloodline. Their innate abilities allow them to bypass the study and academic rigor required of wizards.



Some sorcerers train in institutions such as Moonwall University. Others learn to control their magic powers on their own.


Social Status

Sorcerers have a double reputation through most of Chaia. On the one hand, their magical abilities and charisma cause many to think quite highly of these magi. On the other hand, the fact that their magical abilities are innate rather than learned causes many to see them as dangerous and unpredictable. There are too many tales of sorcerers losing control of their magic and destroying entire towns for such misgivings to be dismissed.
Magi are constantly in demand, though the high cost magic requires often keep those who need assistance from gaining it.
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by azgaar


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