Ash-hill Gearworks

General Store:
  Location: In Midtown at the westgate. The street outside has a crowd watching performers and the performers appear to be a group of wandering minstrels. Description: The general store is a log and large single storey building, with a red tile roof and a loading door for merchant wagons on the side. It contains piles of blank scrolls and books on the counter and along the walls big bags of rice and lentils.


Book (phb p151) (24 gp)
Blank scroll (2 sp)
Barrel (phb 153) (2 gp)
Carpenter's Tools (phb 154) (15 gp)
Glassblower's Tools (phb 154) (30 gp)
Herbalism Kit (phb 154) (5 gp) - A kit containing a variety of tools such as clippers, mortar and pestle, pouches, and vials, useful for identifying and preparing herbs.
Fishing Tackle (phb 153) (1 gp) - A set of fishing rods, hooks, fishing line, and bait for catching fish.
Lantern, Hooded (phb 152) (5 gp) - A metal lantern with a shutter to cover the light, preventing it from being seen from certain angles.
Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp) - A bottle of high-quality ink used for writing.
Paper (one sheet) (phb 150) (2 sp) - A sheet of fine paper suitable for writing or drawing.
Sealing Wax (phb 150) (5 sp) - A stick of wax for sealing letters and envelopes, ensuring privacy.
Spyglass (phb 153) (1,000 gp) - A high-quality tool that allows the user to see objects at a distance as if they were much closer.

Other Patrons:

Merihim Hurt, Male Tiefling
Whurdred Thrahak, Female Dwarf

Ash-hill Gearworks

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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