Silvermoon Furnace


Location: In the Low-town district of the village, outside the walls. The street outside is packed earth and cobblestone patches, with the borders of the walkway lined with many twinkling lights.

Description: The blacksmith is a timber and brick simple building, with a heather-thatched roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It was once a barracks, and has a collection of arms and armor. It contains a number of small braziers and everything is covered in dust and metal shrapnel.
The owner is teaching his sons the craft and as such, the forge is running around the clock pretty much. This also means there are regular wood cutting stations with piles of sawdust and detritus outside the shop with at least one of them outside splitting firewood for the forge.
  Adventurer Specials:
Weapon, +1 (dmg 213) (952 gp)
Half Plate (phb 145) (706 gp)
Javelin of Lightning (dmg 178) (1,459 gp)
  Domestic Specials:
Wagon Wheels, trade in broken one for 10% off the cost of a new one
Buy 1 horse's shoing and get 1 half off
  Other Patrons:
Hlin Burrowfound, Female Dwarf
Ovina Trueanvil, Female Dwarf
Senteq Timbers, Male Gnome
Anne Porridgepot, Female Halfling
Olivia Swiftwhistle, Female Halfling

Silvermoon Furnace
The blacksmith is a timber and brick simple building, with a heather-thatched roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It was once a barracks, and has a collection of arms and armor. It contains a number of small braziers and everything is covered in dust and metal shrapnel.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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