Cult of Arazid Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Cult of Arazid (ARR-uh-zid)

The Cult of Arazid is a mysterious cult on Udarich whose purpose is shrouded in mystery. Rumors of a fire-worshipping cult first appeared in 3159 but only in 3191 did their cultists first appear on streets, claiming that a cleansing fire would rain down upon the world. They were mostly ignored until 3203 when they caught the Arctic Gnashers by surprise, claiming almost the entire eastern portion of their territory.  


Few outside the cult know what they're goal is, beyond preaching about the cleansing flame. Dubious sightings suggest a red and golden dragonborn called Fireblood with wings holds some power within the cult.   The cult seems exclusively present on the continent of Udarich, though peoples from other continents have joined their numbers.


Cultists can be seen across Udarich. They only recently took control of any land for themselves, though.  
  • The Cult seems to have made an ancient temple their base in the Cult's territory. This temple had been long forgotten and consumed by the snow drifts until the Cult found it.


All of the races of Udarich can be found within the Cult of Arazid's numbers. Races from other continents have also appeared, including:
  • Dragonborn
  • Lizardfolk
  • Elves
Cult of Arazid
Religious, Cult


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