Fireblood Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Fireblood is the leader of the Cult of Arazid on Udarich in the year 3203. She appears to be a winged, red dragonborn wearing golden armor. Immensely powerful and unstable, the she seems unsure of who she is or why she has her abilities. The Fireblood searches Udarich for relics she believes are connected to Arazid in the hope that she will better understand why she has been chosen as an inheritor of his power. Though she is deeply envious of most others with Arazid's power, she seems to desire a close bond with a select few.  


The Fireblood's early life is yet unknown. It appears that she formed the Cult of Arazid in 3196. One of her earliest memories was meeting someone who would go on to become a leading figure in the Cult, Captain Royce.  

Battling the Big HELP

In 3203, the Fireblood detected a surge in Arazid's power, shortly followin the crash of the Raziel. This surge left all who bore the blood of Arazid with a mark, the same mark that the Fireblood had used for the cult's crest. She was led to Ghispar by an outbreak of disease that seemedto be caused by the mark. The Fireblood seized on this opportunity to strengthen herself and the cult. She convinced the Catchief Urthpaw that she and her followers could heal the sick by taking the Arazid power from those with little of it, making sure not to kill anyone in the process. The Fireblood said that those who were sicker (those with more Arazid power) would need to travel north with the cult for healing. Before leaving Ghispar, the Fireblood took notice of Bigwig of The Big HELP, someone with the potential to host as much Arazid power as herself, and ordered her to be followed and captured.   In the following days, the Fireblood became concerned about King Hespiro's conquest of Udarich and campaign against magic. She sent Captain Royce and others to an abandoned mine outside Valadris to plan an attack on the city disguised as Hespiro's forces, hoping to bring the wrath of Gadorr and the Order of Elements on him. The night before the attack, she visited the mine for an inspection only to find Royce dead at the hands of the Big HELP. Two desires raged in side her. On one side, the fires of vengeance raged within her to destroy Bigwig for killing Royce. At the same time, she wanted to get to know Bigwig, longing for someone so similar, to understand who or what they were. Though the vengeance won in this encounter, the HELP were able to escape when the Fireblood was attacked by the druid Zinnia.   During her first encounter with Bigwig, the Fireblood learned about a stone door with the mark of Arazid deep below the mines in an area that had been magically barred from until the Big HELP broke the seal.


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