Pascatia Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Pascatia (pas-KAY-sha)

Pascatia is a small, newer territory to the western coast of Udarich. Formed in 3193, it rose up from the descendants of those conquered by the Catfolk Freehold, roughly 100 years beforehand. The area is mostly inhabited by the dwarf, tiefling, and vargar who had risen against the Freehold. The area is lightly forested and very hilly.    The young territory is still finding its footing, deciding how to rule and what they want. Though there is no formal form of government, a tiefling woman named Vengeance has captured the hearts of her fellow Pascatians. She incited the rebellion against the Catfolk Freehold. Her rhetoric has tapped into a generational distrust and enmity against tabaxi and the Freehold, fanning the flames of conflict. Now that part they have control of their own land, the people of Pascatia are split between taking time to consolidate their resources or continue an offense against the Freehold and other territories.   The population is mainly focused in a small town in the middle of Pascatia. The town was renamed Uprysen following the rebellion.


  • Uprysen


  • Dwarves
  • Tieflings
  • Vargar
  • Harengon


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