Catfolk Freehold Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Catfolk Freehold

The Catfolk Freehold is a territory in the center of Udarich west of the Gordauga Mountains. In the year 3096, several tribes of tabaxi fled the rule of the Rusha Kingdom, sailing north and conquering most of the midwestern region of the continent. The Catfolk Freehold found themselves stretched thin, stalling their conquest. Over the past few decades, it has slowly been whittled away by Pascatia and the Ribahrn Territory .   Much of the Catfolk Freehold is covered in forests, with the woods becoming denser as you travel east to the Gordauga Mountains. While some farming is done on the western fringe of the Freehold, most settlements rely on hunter-gatherers to collect food and resources. A majority of the population are tabaxi that emigrated from Rusha but some aarokocra, humans, and dwarves that remained can be found.   The primary settlement in the Freehold is Ghispar, seat of the Catchief Urthpaw.  


Catfolk Freehold Base Map Image


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