Rusha Kingdom Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Rusha Kingdom (roo-SHA)

The Rusha Kingdom rules over the southwestern tip of Udarich. This area is rockier and harsher than the rest of the continent, cut off by the Rugar Mountains. It has been ruled by a ruling line of tabaxi and leonin as long as anyone can remember, making the Rusha Kingdom one of the oldest territories on the continent. The current ruler is the Leonin King, King Hespiro.   The landscape makes it difficult to grow much. Rusha Castle sits in one of the more fertile areas of the territory and tries to disperse food as necessary. Due to the isolated nature of the kingdom, Rusha has developed a small but strong naval fleet. This has allowed them to take control of pockets of land along the southern half of Udarich's coast.  


The Rusha Kingdom was founded in 1971AW and is one of the oldest territories on Udarich, second only to the Church of Gorthag's primary land. It was founded by Queen Rushada and her leonin line after a civil war caused the fall of the Aarakocra Empire.   In 2864AW, the Leonin King, Greyvon fought a war against the neighboring Agar Kingdom. The two rival kingdoms were matched in strength. Though Greyvon managed to sack the capital city, Agarthi, and cause the collapse of Agar, Rusha's forces were spent and left unable to claim the defeated land. This collapsed Agar Kingdom eventually became the Ribahrn Territory.   The Rusha Kingdom itself has faced internal strife throughout its history. In 3096AW, one such period involved a group of tabaxi rebelling against the Leonin Lineage and staking an independant claim on land in the north of Rusha. The leonin king at the time, more focused on holding territory than claiming it, sent his army to put down the rebellion. Seeing that they had no chance, the rebelling tabaxi fled Rusha. Led by a woman named Stripetail, they eventually founded the Catfolk Freehold.  

The Era of The Big HELP

King Hespiro ascended to the throne in 3200AW but was lost in a battle against the Ribahrn Tribes shortly after. Not long before he would have been proclaimed dead, Hespiro returned a changed man. He has refused to talk about his missing year, but on his return his attentions turned from war to diplomacy. In 3204, he tried to bring his desire of a united Udarich via diplomacy to fruition. The sabotage of his summit aboard the Raziel ended this dream.   King Hespiro returned his attention to conquest, launching an all out march through the Ribahrn Territory. This march ended the Fishraider Tribe and scattered the Fell Tribe, with Hespiro capturing the chieftain of the latter. Rusha claimed the land they marched on from the Rugar Mountains all the way to the Stalwart Bridge. There, the Church of Gorthag marched to halt Hespiro's invasion of Udarich.  


  • Rusha Castle City


  • Tabaxi
  • Leonin - A tabaxi subspecies that makes up the ruling class.
  • Humans
  • Dwarves
  • Firbolg
  • Goliaths - Tend to stay in the Rugar Moutain range
  • Aarokocra - Tend to stay in the Rugar Moutain range

Geographical Points

Rusha Kingdom
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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