Sintar Farm Tribe Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Sintar Farm Tribe

The Sintar Farm Tribe is a large territory in the northwest of Udarich. This area is flatter, with more open planes, than the rest of the continent. The land here is especially fertile and all types of crops can be grown.  


The Sintar Farm Tribe was established in 3139 by a group firbolg, led by a wood genasi of firbolg descent named Sintar. This group had tired of the constant fighting across the continent and wanted to settle into a peaceful life. They observed that the various farming tribes in the northwest of the continent were unable to defend themselves from raiders. Sintar offered to protect the tribes on the condition that they put aside their differences and unite into one tribe.   Sintar and the other firbolg then placed a charm on the settled land. When a raiding or conquering force set foot upon the charmed ground, they were snuffed out in the night, leaving no bodies behind. Rumors tell of enormous plants wandering after these disappearances.    The Sintar Tribespeople have lived in peace for many decades. Over time, others seeking a quieter, less combative life have come to live in the Farm Tribe. In the years following Sintar's death in 3199, many have feared that his charm upon the land has weakened. The Arctic Gnashers from the north and the Catfolk Freehold to the south have begun to take Sintar tribeland for themselves with fewer and fewer disappearances. 


People of all Udarich species can be found in the Sintar Farm Tribe. The firbolg people are at their most plentiful here, though, they'll often travel to other regions to spread peace.  


  • Monastery

Geographical Points

Sintar Farm Tribe
Geopolitical, Tribe


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