Valadris Settlement in Charyba | World Anvil
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Valadris is the capital of the Varda Shiphaven on Udarich. Valadris is one of the few densely populated areas on Udarich  


Valadris was founded before the days of the Element War. From here, governors from Gadorr issued the gods' religious decrees. Despite Udarich's backslide into territorial fighting over the course of history and the disappearance of the gods, Gadorr has maintained control over Valadris. Valadris's leaders don't take part in the territorial disputes of Udarich. Even the bloodthirstiest Udarich warlords fear to bring the wrath of Gadorr by invading their protectorate.

Points of Interest

Cerisan Opera House

An opera house dedicated to the Goddess of Water, Cerisa. Plays, operas, and many other kinds of shows are held here. Tickets to the shows are very expensive but shows of extreme significance are made free to the public.       It is home to the Nightwalkers.


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