Nightwalkers Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Nightwalkers are a group of thieves from Udarich. Active in the year 3204, they're a small time crew with a handful of successes under their belt. The morals of the group vary, with some giving their takings to those less fortunate and others keeping everything for themselves. Their targets have mainly been well-to-do farmers or raiders when the Nightwalkers were just scraping by. Since finding their footing, the crew has struck the home of the Ingvar Wildlands Baron and stolen jewels from the Church of Gorthag.   Following their string of successes, Windtooth suggested a big job to step up their game. He wanted to sneak onto the Raziel, where King Hespiro will be holding a summit regarding the future of Udarich. There, the team will steal from the various territory leaders while they're none the wiser. The Nightwalkers managed to sneak onto the flying ship by holding onto the outside of the ship and concealing themselves with Petrichor's magic.   Following Windtooth's sabotage of the Raziel, the Nightwalkers have been scattered.


  The Nightwalkers refer to each other via codename.
  • Bigwig -
  • Petrichor - A tabaxi from the Rusha Kingdom. She grew up stealing to eat when starving and thinks of theft as a necessary evil. She's the newest member of the Nightwalkers. The other members do not realize that Petrichor is her real name, not a codename.
  • Windtooth - A vargar from the Ingvar Wildlands. Ruthless and strategic, he is the planner of the crew. When needed, Windtooth plays the role of conman as well.
  • StarToucher - A dwarf from the Varda Shiphaven. She's the group's fence and doesn't go on missions with them. If they find jewels or other valuables, Startoucher will sell them to travelers or merchants sailing away.
  • Peacelover - A gnome from Asbarl. Peacelover is strong for his small size and is the group's muscle. Whenever they get into trouble, this gnome always finds a way of taking down those who threaten his teammates.
  • Lockpick - A human from the Varda Shiphaven. Like her name implies, she's the best of the group at picking locks and disarming traps. She's Startoucher's partner.
Illicit, Gang


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