Elf Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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As with the other Elder Races, the Elves were brought into existance by Athneron in 12 C.T. in the image of one of the First Ones, in this case, Cheznerix. The Elves, pale and thin as they were, were uniquely suited to take to the frigid north, where they established their nation.   


The Elves have isolated themselves in the north of Chenravo, behind the Wall of the Walking Frost. While there are elves that leave, it is heavily frowned upon. Nevertheless, there are small communities of Elves outside of Riflian. They are far more welcoming than the Elves behind the wall.   


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Elves are hostile to all outsiders. Because of their isolation and their refusal to allow in anyone who is not an elf or who is not an elf-friend, many have taken this to mean that they are hastile to outsiders. In reality, this has been a policy put into place by the Enlightened Luunlird Forces.
Elves have grown cold and mirthless. While this is the face that is often presented to outsiders, the Elves behind the wall, amongst themselves, are still joyful. 
Elves have turned their back on Cheznerix. Their demeanor and actions seem to give the impression that they are not the same elves that worshipped Cheznerix. However, much like their treatment of outsiders, this is something that they only affect for outsiders. Their true beliefs and actions still fall very much in line with Cheznerix's teachings. 
Elves are ill-adapted to warm weather. The Elves are adapted to and largely stay in Riflian, and because of this, many think that they are limited to this kind of environment. In reality, they are comfortable in a wide range of places, including those with high heat. 
Elves have a superiority complex. This is definately an affliction that younger elves suffer from, largely because they do not know the real reasons that the nation has isolatied. Because they only interact with other elves, they have come to look down on others. Older elves, particularly those who have travelled, have a much different perspective. 
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution


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