Goblin Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Goblins, like all of the Elder Races, were created in 12 C.T. by Athneron. They were based upon the template of Quetminook. For a while, Quetminook led them in unravelling the mysteries of the world. When He Ascended to Godhood, becoming one of the Major Gods, Tla'Harc, who came to be seen as the greatest of the Goblins, became their mortal leader. The Harcnor Grasslands are named after him, as he is seen as the first Goblin leader.  


The goblins claimed the Harcnor Grasslands as their homeland, and immediately began to study it through means both magical and mundane. While this is the region that is theirs, they can be found across Chenravo.  


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Goblins are the least religious Elder Race While goblins are often researching or discovering new things about the world, doing so for them is a type of prayer. This is largely due to the fact that Quetminook is the god of discovery, and by extension truth. Research is an indirect type of worship, but many goblins offer prayers to Quetminook while researching.
Goblins don't have homes. Generally, goblins live in warrens underground. These can be very complex and help goblins think in three dimensions, but from the surface, there is nothing to see, leading many to think that goblins don't live in structures.
Goblin magic is inherently dangerous. When trying new magic or inventions, goblins are often too excited to consider consequences. Many of these end up as duds that don't actually do anything, while others may end up causing damage to themselves, others, property, or some combination of those.
They are insane. Goblins culture values information and learning. As a result, many goblins get very excited to share information that they have learned or discovered. Unfortunately, they don't always explain the underlying or foundational ideas required to understand what they want to convey or the the importance it holds.
Goblins are poorly organized. Like the Biethìre, Goblins don't have a central structure like most Elder Races. While they did originally have a single research council, it was getting too backed up on certifying results. Eventually, instead of a single research council, they opted to have many that specialized in different fields.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblin names have two parts: the clan name and the given name. A clan name always has three letters, and while a given name traditionally has four, it can be as long as a parent desires. These two names are separated by an apostrophe, with teh clan name coming first. An example is Gor'Murt, Gor is the clan name, and Murt is the given name. Most goblins go by their given name, or a nickname.    When two goblins marry, they create a new clan, and therefore change their clan names. The new clan name is an amalgamation of the two of those who got married. The first two letters of the male's clan name and the last letter of the female's clan name are combined. for example, if Gor'Murt, a male, were to marry Tik'Lapn, a female, their new names would be Gok'Murt and Gok'Lapn. When same-sex couples are married, they usually amalgamate their names as they please. This means that each clan is short lived.


When Quetminook ascended to godhood, he was ultimately succeeded by Tla'Harc. Tla'Harc led the Great Goblin Research Enclave, a body that was was both the goblin's government and research oversight. In his role here, he created a law that went largely unnoticed. It would come to be known as Tla'Harc's Far Grasp.    It was used over 80 years later to reduce the administrative burden on the Grand Enclave.   450 years after that, a few enclaves had a bloodless revolution, ending the Grand Goblin Research Enclave and giving birth to the loosly gathered Associaton of Goblin Research Enclaves.
Genetic Descendants
70 Years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution


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