CbN013: Pave the way

General Summary

The Sacrifice

  It's September 1st, 2017, and summer has come to an end in Chicago. The mortals have spent their break soaking up the sun, taking a break from the daily grind and enjoying the warm weather.   The long, hot days are over. As the weather begins to cool and autumn draws near, a different world awakens. The vampires of Chicago are emerging from their hiding places, ready to reclaim their place in the city's nightlife.   But despite these challenges, a new era is dawning in Chicago. A time of change, of adaptation, and of chaos.   Ladies and Gentlefolks, it is my pleasure to introduce you to "The Sacrifice". A tale of political intrigue, a vampire society that must evolve or face extinction, and the arrival of new, dangerous vampires to the city.   In the midst of all this drama and chaos, our coterie of young rising star vampires stands ready to make their mark on the city. Their choices will determine the fate of the city of Chicago, and will determine whether the city is seen as a successful Camarilla metropolis or a failed state.   Will they succumb to the temptations of power and the lure of the new, dangerous vampires? Or will they stand against the forces of change, fighting to preserve the status quo? The fate of the city rests in their hands, and the outcome of "The Sacrifice" is in their control.   Are you ready to be a part of shaping the future of the city? Then let us begin...    

Meeting with the Sheriff

The Coterie was called together by Damien , the Sheriff of Chicago, at a local O’Tolley’s fast food restaurant. They were told nothing but that this is business ordered by the Prince and the need for a meeting is urgent.    Damien had already arrived, sitting in a booth with an uneaten burger and fries in front of him. His normal laid-back demeanor is instead one of barely concealed nerves that is easily picked by Maude. As Clementine approaches the Sheriff, Maude also perceives how the prince has a barely hidden disdain for the Lasombra.   After introductions, an envelope lies neatly in front of him on the red plastic table and his right leg restlessly taps against the floor. After a quick introduction, he slides the enveloped across the table and seens ready to leave “The Prince only requested I ensure the envelope reached you. The four phones inside are burners and connect to one of my people. You’ll get one use out of each of them and then they’ll go dead."   addressed, three files, four burner phones, car keys and insurance papers for a van.   There's a lot of code to avoid issues if messages are intercepted, following are acronyms the coterie can easily understand from the letter and files:  
  • SC = Succubus Club, an Elysium run by the Toreador primogen, Annabelle
  • Our social club = Kindred Society
  • PKJ = Prince Kevin Jackson
  • The elite club = The Camarilla
  • My family = Clan Ventrue (Specifically Jackson's line.)

    The finding of Gengis

    Liliana knows of Gengis, a famous anarch that has been recently seen as the possible new leader of the anarchs. While the Camarilla might paint Gengis as a loose gun idiot, Gengis has a reputation for being a thoughtful and careful leader. A Trotskyte, Gengis is known for being able to recite word by word speeches from the revolutionary hero. Liliana also knew that Gengis, and other Anarchs, usually hanged out a bar in the south side, not anywhere close to the north side expensive mansion the files pointed them towards.   The Coterie set out to look for said bar, with inhumane ability and luck, they found the place almost immediately and entered with the hopes of putting out a fire before it started.  

    The Mohawk

      The Mohawk is a grimy club still adorned with peeling posters of bands long gone and marred with graffiti inside and out. It’s no tourist joint, with all its inhabitant's regulars or friends of friends. These nights, few live bands play the Mohawk, it being more a place renowned for its jukebox, impressive record collection, and nostalgic atmosphere. The door to the Mohawk is closed but anyone may enter. Outsiders are given a frosty reception from the regular patrons, with regular hazing taking place for the business-dressed and obvious middle and upper classes. Gengis sits on the top steps of the stairway leading up to the second floor of the club, smoking a cigarette while talking to a young woman standing on the landing next to him. When he sees the PCs, he seems to resist the urge to flick the cigarette at them, and chooses a smile instead. "Ah, the dogs of the bourgeoises have come to interrupt my night off. I'm guessing you're not here to learn about the revolution so..." He cracks his knuckles. “You're far from home little puppies, and we're not the welcoming type. To tops, word on Anarch street is you’re inviting some nasty elements into town. Start giving me reasons not to send you back with your tail between your legs.”   After a lot of intense conversation, the coterie managed to convince Gengis that he was aiming to bite more than he can chew; he nodded and agreed to focus his attention somewhere else for the night, then told the group to kindly fuck off.   So the Anarchs, or at least Gengis, knew people was coming to town, that was not good, on top of that they knew more, that the people coming in where "nasty elements"; what did Gengis mean? The team pondered as they headed out to their next fire...
    Report Date
    07 Feb 2023