CbN016: Daywalkers

General Summary

September 3rd, 2017   “Dude, do you see that?” Josh asks Brad.   “...What?”   Josh points towards the guy trying to hide, but then they spot another guy approaching and a third one running towards a car before all hell breaks loose. The closest guy pulls out a shotgun.   “Oh, you wanna go?” Brad says, pulling out his own.   And so the mortals fight. Elliot, Marco and Kim join in.   Elliot rushes to close the back doors while the others shoot at each other. Josh gets severely hurt while Brad kills the guy closest to him. The second attacker empties his clip with abandon on Marco who was just approaching the door to start shooting.   In but a second, Marco falls, seemingly dead.   The rest of them make quick work of the other two remaining enemies, Josh following the one headed for the car and seriously wounding him before dragging him back inside The Confessional.   Elliot falls on his knees next to Marco’s body in shock, helplessly trying to stop the bleeding, but he’s too late. After a few long minutes, he goes to talk to Brad and Josh and convinces them to not say a word about what happened and to tend to their wounds discreetly. He then pays them very handsomely.   Meanwhile, Kim has been bringing the bodies of the other mortals inside and cleaning up the scene. She drags one of the bodies down to the crypt and uses his blood to wake Maude up.   “Maude, wake up! It’s bad.”   She explains everything that has happened to a groggy Maude who only has about another hour before they have to go back to sleep. They quickly check the computer to confirm what Kim said and gives her the number of someone called Turner, “He’ll be able to help too”.   As this is happening, Elliot comes downstairs dragging Marco’s body tears running down his face. He is surprised to see Maude awake, but approaches them quickly and asks them to turn Marco.   Maude refuses, even after Elliot insists.   Elliot nods and waits until Maude has gone to sleep and Kim is busy upstairs. He approaches Liliana’s body, cuts her across the wrist with a dagger and makes Marco drink from it. And then he waits.   But nothing happens. He’s too late.    

The Night Arrives

  Maude quickly explains the situation to them as far as they know. Mary and Maude go through the evidence at the crypt while Liliana and Clementine head upstairs to find Kim and Elliot. They find Elliot talking to a person treating an unconscious man with an IV attached to his arm. The conversation seems to be ending as they approach and the stranger leaves after Elliot pays him. Elliot turns towards them, his eyes bloodshot and his clothes covered in blood.   Clementine is very concerned, but he says he’s fine and explains that the unconscious man is part of a group that attacked them in the middle of the morning. He then approaches Clem and hands her a manilla envelope.   “They killed the man inside this file. Kim and I took care of everything, but Clem, I have to go now.” His tone is serious and he looks very tired. Clem opens the envelope as he leaves and sees the name Marco Acosta inside.   “SHIT.”   The rest of the group head upstairs, leaving Sierra alone, still sleeping just as Kim arrives.   They wake the man up and question him. Maude asks questions gently but when that doesn’t seem to work Clem intimidates him into confessing.  
"Snowman and Malort from Gary hired us to follow you from the airport. Burn them during the day, but keep THEM safe!!" He points towards Maude.
  Mary kills the man by feeding from him and they all take a few moments to process all the new information. As they’re pondering what to do next, they get a call from the Sheriff who orders them to bring the Lasombra delegates to The Succubus Club before 9:00PM. They tell him about Malenkov’s disappearance.   The Sheriff is not happy at all.  

A quick call

  Clem wakes Sierra up and helps her get ready for the night. Sierra doesn’t seem surprised by Malenkov's disappearance, but also doesn’t seem to know where he went.   Mary heads to the backyard and grabs the phone, reaching out to her Sire, the mysterious kindred known as X. It takes a while to connect, but she gets a distorted voice on the other side eventually who assigns her next task:        
  • Mission: Set up a new communications array
  • Task 02: Obtain Cassette. Location: Downtown L Block 37 superstation, "The Labyrinth".
  • Attachments: Moral_Support.gif
  • Notes: A secondary cassette has been detected within the Labyrinth. Precise location unknown. Access no granted. Object will respond to the Network's call when in proximity. Obtain the secondary cassette and replace existing.
    The cobweb setup changes and Mary notices a pocket with a cassette inside.    

Succubus Club

As the coterie approached the Succubus Club, they could hear the thumping bass of the music from the street. The club was a three-story building, modern and sleek, with a seductive aura that drew them in.   First Floor - The Red Carpet As they made their way inside, the first thing they noticed was the dim lighting, cast in deep reds and blacks. It was as if they had entered a den of vice, a place where only the most daring ventured.   The first floor was a sea of swaying bodies, mortals lost in the hypnotic rhythm of the club music. The bass thumped through their chests, shaking the very foundation of the building. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, alcohol, and a hint of something darker, more primal. It was the scent of predator, of vampire.   Second Floor - Feeding Ground As they made their way to the second floor, the music changed, morphing into something darker and more seductive. The room was smaller, but no less packed with mortals, all moving in time with the beat. The lights were dimmer, casting shadows over the faces of the dancers. The coterie could feel the hunger building inside of them, the desire to lose themselves in the throng of humanity.   The scent of blood was stronger here, mingling with the sweat and the music. It was intoxicating, overwhelming. The coterie could feel their Beast stirring, threatening to break free from its chains. Shining predatory eyes flashed them from the crowd, some Kindred were clearly taking advantage of the situation to feed.   Third Floor - Elysium Once they ascended the stairs to the upper lounge, the music changes again, and becomes something altogether more refined. The entire back wall overlooks the second and first floor beneath and the bulletproof glass cuts away the music behind it, as the best band plays live on a semi-circular stage. It’s the sheriff’s band: Baby Chorus. The crowd here is different, more subdued, more dangerous. There’re many powerful Kindred gathered together here and the coterie feel the weight of their eyes upon them as they enter.   The room is extremely opulent, with plush sofas and dim lighting. A large chandelier lights up the room over a newly built circular bar attended by two bartenders, both silently busying themselves with mixing and pouring crimson drinks into crystal glasses. The air is heavy with the scent of blood and the sound of whispered conversations.   As the group walks closer to the stage, they can’t help but be drawn in by the music. It’s the same hypnotic beat that had drawn them in on the first floor, but here it’s more clear, more controlled and played by the Kindred band in an impossible way that draws from their supernatural abilities. It’s the sound of power, of Dominance.
  The upper lounge’s entire back wall overlooks the second and first floor beneath them, bulletproof glass cutting out the noise. Annabelle arranged for a large chandelier to light up the room over a newly built circular bar attended by two bartenders, both silently busying themselves with mixing and pouring crimson drinks into crystal glasses.   They watch as each member is lost in their music. All, except for the vocalist Damien, who stares directly at them and their guest.   As the current song comes to an end, Damien jumps from the stage to greet the group. He is clad in a button-down, blue dress shirt with an untied bowtie dangling around his neck.   “Glad you made it here safely. No one knows who is hungry for Magister blood these nights, and who can blame them? The Prince will be talking shortly, we'll deal with our wayward delegate after.”    

Playing Nice

  As the group waits for the Prince to arrive they all separate for a moment.   Clementine is starving. She goes to get two glasses of blood from the servers and offers one to Sierra who politely refuses. This makes Clem change her mind so she puts both glasses back on a server’s empty tray and stays around Sierra who has been trying to stay away from the many stares coming her way.   Many interesting guests walk around:   Alexa Santos  waves at Maude from a corner of the room. Charles "Crook" Dawson , a man the coterie have so far only heard about smiles at them. Bret Stryker , the toreador who they met a while ago at The Blue Velvet has a crowd of people around him, listening to him speak. Gengis  sits with two women the coterie has never met before, and he winks at Liliana knowingly. Naomi Stewart  looks shocked to see Sierra at the party. And lastly, the middle eastern man Mary saw at Annabelle’s mansion is talking to a middle eastern woman dressed in deep reds.   But most importantly, at least for Maude, there’s Jason .   So of course, Maude approaches him immediately. The primogen is concerned, he asks Maude if they're doing okay. He asks them about the newcomers and who they are, but Maude is coy. Jason pushes, but Maude doesn't budge so the Elder Malkavian decides to not keep pushing and nods. "Well.. you need anything, misplaced something or need support you can always come to me..."   "Yes, of course" Maude says, and as Jason starts retreating they take a moment to focus and look deep into their soul. They have to know... they have to know more...  
The World Shatters, Melts and Sinks
Maude stands in miasma, the party melted away. In from of them stands the flattened figure of Jason, as a shadow pressed on an invisible wall. Maude extends their hand forward, touching and passing through the shadow. There is a world behind it, an old, dark church; filled with dead voices.   In front of them the shadows part, a shadowy figure stands in front of her talking in Jason's voice.   "I swear on My Blood, to be bound to you and you only, in spirit and fresh, in blood and sacrifice, until the night perishes, the world burns and all is ash. Now, and forever more, I am yours, you are mine. My Shadow."   Maude feels something horrible rise up, a voice, not her own. A familiar voice, a voice that comes with a confidence Maude missed dearly and yet is horrified to hear:   "And I swear on My Blood, to be bound to you and you only, in spirit and flesh, in blood and sacrifice, until the night perishes, the world burns, and ALL is ash. Now, and forever more, I am yours, and you are mine. Sonny."   Maude stares, in horror as their hand reaches out and they see, Eloide's hand. And they speak, with Eloide's voice. And they make vows, on Eloide's voice.
  Maude's scream rips through the Elysium, making Kindred jump in surprise. They sink to the ground, catatonic, blood rolling down their cheeks. The Coterie rushes to support them, Clementine tries to follow Jason who’s quickly retreating, but as she loses him through the crowd. Whatever happened to their friend, they can't even talk about it right now.  

The Prince Arrives

  Time is cruel, it gives Maude not even a moment to compose themselves before it moves forward. The shattering pain of their soul is squashed, as the Prince's voice rolls into the Elysium, shutting down any conversation.   “Welcome to our Elysium. As always, it warms this old body to see so many familiar faces among our number tonight. I want to take this opportunity to thank our escort group, or should we call them bodyguards after last night’s activity? It’s Kindred like you that make unlife just a tiny bit easier, the Camarilla and I thank you for your service. So, without more ado, I introduce the elephant in the room, as they say.” He points to Sierra.   “I’m aware my decision to invite such uncommon guests into Chicago is controversial, to say the least. However, I’m sure there’s a good reason why our dear guests have embarked upon such a dangerous journey into Cam land. If it wasn’t clear already, our visitor is of Clan Lasombra." Please, approach the stage under our banner of peace. We’re all interested in what you have to say.”   Sierra steps up, and just as Jackson is about to continue his speech, she grabs the mic out of his hand, steps to the edge of the stage and proclaims:  
“I am Sierra Van Burrace. My presence in this town is not a matter of flight, betrayal, power hunger, or destruction, as mentioned by many in this Elysium tonight. My brother and I have been sent here as representatives of our clan with one purpose in mind: Our clan wishes to join the Camarilla.

-The whole ass world

Report Date
08 Mar 2023