Eddie Wu

(a.k.a. The Whore)

Chad Smith 's Sire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After Capone’s disappearance from Chicago, some of his lieutenants wanted to continue the great prosperity their gang saw in his mortal heyday. One lieutenant in particular, the Ventrue Eddie Wu, became a vampire not long after Capone and ran one of the only vampiric arms of the gangs in Chicago. Although during Lodin’s reign this was all very hush-hush, he feels he has no reason to hide and in fact is growing in power. The new gang he leads is called “The Capone Gang” and, while small, is influential amidst the criminal underground.   The Capone Gang’s main imports are drugs from Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, but they still employ cooks for Chicago-made meth. The gang operates out of the Green Mill, a jazz club that’s been around for over 100 years and was a famous Capone hangout. Since Capone has long since become a relic of Chicago’s past, it’s a surprisingly good cover, and too old-fashioned to be a gang hangout in modern times. There are two cemeteries nearby that act as exchange points among the undead gang and any human gangs or other vampires.   Eddie Wu is well known for his ruthless “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude. His second in command and ghoul, Lily DeAngelis, is more balanced, looking to the long-term future of the gang instead of making violent snap judgments. She balances out Eddie’s temper, and is the real brains behind the operation. Eddie stays outside Chicago’s limits to avoid Prince Jackson’s notice, while Lily handles the night-to-night business.
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype


Sire Annabelle 
Embraced 1998 (born 1946)   Ambition Bring back The Boss
Convictions Always demand and give respect   Touchstones: Lily DeAngelis — ghoul and front for the mortal side of the Capone Gang
  Humanity 4
Generation 10th
Blood Potency 2
Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3; Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 3   Secondary Attributes Health 8, Willpower 6   Skills
Brawl 2, Drive 3, Firearms (Handgun, Shotgun) 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1; Insight 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 1, Streetwise (Organized Crime) 5, Subterfuge 3; Academics 1, Awareness 3, Finance (Laundering) 4, Investigation 3, Technology (Security Devices) 2   Disciplines
Celerity 1 (Rapid reflexes), Fortitude 3, Presence 1(Awe)   Fortitude 2: Toughness One Rouse check, substract 3 from all superficial damage before halving.   Fortitude 3: Fortify the inner facade Increase difficulty to read mind or scry by 2, or add 3 to dice pools.