Dwarves Species in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Dwarves are a race of intelligent, sentient beings. They are stereotypically short, strong, and plump.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Height and muscle mass

Compared to humans or elves, dwarves are much shorter and broader. The relative muscle mass of a dwarf is higher as well, making them generally stronger than their human or elven counterpart, despite the height difference. Their absolute mass is therefore much higher than one might expect.  

Facial hair

The facial hair of a dwarf grows fast: an adult dwarf can grow a full beard in a week time.   Dwarven women are not exempt from facial hair either; they have historically worn beards just as the male dwarves. In recent days, however, wearing a facial hair is not common amongst dwarven women. A reason commonly attributed to this change in culture is the globalisation and intercultural exchange between the dwarves, humans and elves.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

In and around mountains

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

United Dwarven Kingdom

The United Dwarven Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy that governs all of the dwarves. The King of the Dwarves is at the head of the kingdom, though mostly ceremonial. Additionally, each clan has a representative at court. The court will debate and propose actions. The king will have the final say and can object to each proposal if he so desires.   The role that the United Dwarven Kingdom plays is limited. Each clan can be considered as a sovereign state, where the kingdom's role is to deal with larger issues that affect all dwarves. Examples of these include war, inter-clannish trade and international politics.  


Almost every dwarf can be traced back to a clan. Officially, a clan would consist of dwarves with the same ancestor, but in practice, the rules are less strict. For most of the dwarves in a clan, it is not known how they relate to each other, but they do know that they share kinship.  

Clan names

Each clan has two names: their original name and their metal name. The original name is how the Dwarves of that clan have referred to themselves since their inception. These names often referred to their ancestor or their totem. Colloquially, clans referred to each other using nicknames based on the metals: their metal name. For example, one clan was so famously obsessed with finding gold that they would sometimes dismiss other metals, earning them the name of Gold Dwarves. The Copper Dwarves, on the other hand, got their name from their red, copperlike hair colour. Ever since the inception of the United Dwarven Kingdom, most major clans are referred to by their metal name.

Average Technological Level

Due to their advanced craftsmanship, Dwarven technology is amongst the most developped in the continent. Dwarves are known for crafting the best armor and weapons.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dwarves value craftmanship, courage and loyalty above all.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

According to the legends, dwarves used to be outgoing and trusting, often making contact with Elves, Humans and other sapient races. However, as they started to dig deeper and collected and more more wealth, their obsession for their wealth deepened as well. Their large piles of gold and other valuables were not unnoticed, and the dwarves were often victimized by other races, especially Goblins. This made them even more protective of their wealth and distrustful of other races. The cycle repeated over hundreds of years, leaving a deep distrust in the hearts of the dwarves.   Nowadays, dwarves prefer isolation from other species and tend to keep to themselves. They generally dislike Elves, Humans and other sapient races, each for their own reasons. Despite their dislike, however, they can still get along with most.
Scientific Name
150 years
Average Height
1.2-1.4 meters
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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