United Dwarven Kingdom Organization in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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United Dwarven Kingdom

The kingdom that unites all Dwarves .


The kingdom consists of all of the dwarven clans, including the Gold Dwarves, Silver Dwarves, Copper Dwarves, and Iron Dwarves. Each clan can be considered as a sovereign state, where the kingdom's role is to deal with larger issues that affect all dwarves. Examples of this include war, inter-clannish trade and international politics.
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Related Species


Dwarves dislike the Order's close connections to the Alliance.

Non-aggression pact

The Dwarves and Alliances are still on bad terms after the Dwarves left the Alliance at the end of the @war


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