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Goblin village

A Goblin village close to Dulduram. This is the tribe that captures Einar Ranvirson and his friends.


The village exclusively contains Goblins.


The government is tribal, where all villagers are subject to the chieftain. Additionally, the local shaman holds significant power in the village, as he is the only one who can 'speak with the gods'.


The village is surrounded by wooden palisades. Goblin warriors patrol the gates and the village itself.

Industry & Trade

Goblins do not usually trade with other races or other tribes. Their main income comes from hunting, gathering, and plundering, as well as a primitive form of farming.


The tribe has and still relies primarily on hunting and gathering, with some additional plundering when the chance presents itself. Recently, the Goblins have started to keep pigs that they stole from migrating human pig-herders. This set a small revolution in motion, where the goblins are attempting to farm grain and other vegetables, just as higher races do.

Points of interest

The Goblin Chieftain's house is the largest structure in the village. It is a large, round house, raised a couple of meters above the ground and set on large wooden pillars. The house consists of multiple smaller rooms, where the chieftain and his servants and family live.   A clearing, or primitive square, is located in the middle of the village. This is where the Goblin's meet and where most communal activities take place. In the center of the square, a wooden altar can be found, where the Shaman performs rituals and makes offerings to their gods. Other goblins may place food on this altar, which the shaman will consume the next day, in name of the gods.


Most of the village's structures are made of wood, including their houses, animal pens, and palisades. Straw is used primarily for the roofs of the buildings.


The village is located deep inside a dense forest, completely hidden to most outsiders. A small river flows near the village, where the goblins fetch fresh water. Despite their primitive forms of agriculture, the goblins have terraformed the village and its surroundings to better accommodate for their farming needs.

Natural Resources

With regards to building materials, Goblins gather wood from the forest and stone from nearby caves. Most of the food comes from hunting and gathering, supplemented by the small amounts of grain and pork from their agricultural experiments. Water is fetched from a nearby river.
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location


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