Ainar Ranvirson Character in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Ainar Ranvirson

Einar Ranvirson (a.k.a. Jacob Reid)

Einar is the main character of the book: a humans man who was adopted and raised by Copper Dwarves. He is an Arcanist and can use The Arcane. During the story, he joins The Order of the New Dawn as a Dwarven spy.  

Psychology and story points:

  • What does Einar want?
  • Einar has never felt like he belonged, and therefore he wants to fit in and be accepted. Initially, by the dwarves that raised him and later by the Order that trains him.  
  • What is Einar willing to do to achieve this?
  • Einar has always been a bit of a pushover if that helped him to 'fit in'. In the first arc, Einar reluctantly joins Sigvid Varinsson and Thorlak Ospaksson on a trip to the Mysterious Cave due to peer pressure. Later, he is is willing to join the Order as a dwarven spy in order to gain the respect and acceptance from his Dwarven peers that he longs for. In the second arc, this loyalty is shifted towards the Order, as Einar is made aware of the Dwarven war crimes. In the last arc, after the Attack on the Order, Einar's loyalty is divided between the Dwarves, the Order and the Rebels. Here he needs to make a choice.  
  • What does Einar need?
  • Einar needs to realize that he determines his own future; to stand up for himself and choose a side. Before he can do that, however, Einar needs to discover himself first: to determine his beliefs, loyalties, and the things he stands for.  
  • What does the character fear?
  • Einar fears abandonment and neglect.  
  • What are Einar's limitations?
  • What is the promise, progress, and payoff of his story?

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Einar was born in Capital city during the War against Evil. His father, Andrew Reid was an officer in the army of the Alliance. His mother, Mary Reid-Carter, was a housewife.   Hours before a large host of evil creatures marched upon the city, the dwarven army stationed at the Capital city attempted to leave. In her desperation, the mother of the MC gave the main character away to one of the dwarven ladies who accompanied the army; a young girl by the name of Yrsa, who served as a tailor for the soldiers. The mother hoped that the MC would be safe if he left the city.   The dwarven army was stopped at the gates of the Capital City by a platoon of Alliance soldiers, led by the father of the MC. The dwarves relentlessly slaughtered the whole platoon, including the father of the main character. His mother died hours later as the evil creatures laid siege on the Capital City.   Yrsa secretly brought the boy with her in her carriage, as the dwarven army marched towards their capital city. After the dwarves had beaten the evil creatures at their capital, the boy was brought to Dulduram, a village of Copper Dwarves, where Yrsa and her husband Ranvir Ulfson raised him as their own son.


Life before the Order

Einar's adoptive father, Ranvir Ulfson, was a blacksmith and initially wanted Einar to become his apprentice. However, the heavy raw materials and the large, clumsy tools were designed for dwarves, and thus too difficult for Einar to operate. With much regret, Ranvir concluded that Einar needed to find an apprenticeship elsewhere.   Unfortunately, Einar was unable to land an apprenticeship elsewhere. Most would not admit it outright, but the main reason for his rejection was the simple fact that Einar was not a dwarf. This left Einar at home, willing to work but without a job, and his father and mother to take care of him.   Throughout his youth, Einar had been fascinated with building things. Mostly out of wood or clay. One day, he created an intricate spinning top out of tin. His mother found it, commended him on his skill and showed it to his father. Ranvir took a leap of faith, and allowed Einar to create more intricate little items from softer metals in his workshop. Over the first few weeks, the Dwarves of Dulduram would come to realise Einar's skill. Einar had become a whitesmith.   Since there were no whitesmiths in Dulduram, there was nobody who could teach Einar the skills he needed. For that, he would need to move to a city of Silver Dwarves, gold dwarves or tin dwarves. Plans were made for Einar to move to Gullborgen and finish his apprenticeship, but this was cut short after a meeting from a team of Night Hunters.  

During his time at the Order

While Einar stayed at the Order, he was a Night Hunter trainee. After completing his training, his was inaugurated as an official Night Hunter.

Personality Characteristics


At the deepest level, Einar has a deep desire to fit in and be good at whatever he does. This motivation stems from a fear of abandonment and his experiences being an outsider on the fringes of dwarven society. These dwarves accepted him, but not as one of their own. Einar thinks that this might change if he works harder, smarter and better. This motivation leads him to join the Order as a Dwarven spy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Einar is quite clever, remembers useful information and keeps up with the current state of the world. As a whitesmith, he is a very proficient crafter.  
Due to an internal desire to 'fit in', Einar often gives in to peer pressure when he should not. Furthermore, his drive to excel at everything can become toxic to those he


Nym Lyari


Towards Ainar Ranvirson


Ainar Ranvirson


Towards Nym Lyari


Eleanor Atlas


Towards Ainar Ranvirson


Ainar Ranvirson


Towards Eleanor Atlas


Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
11 November
Year of Birth
1095 19 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Family Tree:


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